Chapter 9

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Adrien was flying to Japan. He had a meeting and an event to attend. He's yet to come here, he told me it'll take two weeks or so. I was happy because today I need to take what's mine. Without anyone's interruptions.

I wore a full black tux with a black mask that covered my face. It had a big sinister smile on it with dripping fake red blood on its corner of its lip completing my look with a black hat which has white feathers on it, helped enough to hide my long black hairs which I wrapped it neatly inside the hat.

My temporary new driver... Had to hire one as he won't give my tabs to my brother at least.. so he stopped the car infront of the huge house nd I got off...

"Your invitation, please"  I pulled out of my pocket to show him my black envelope.

He nodded and gave it to me back. Started to search if I had any weapons, he even checked my cane stick which had a snake head made up of gold. As he got a clue I had no weapon, so he let me go.

"Let me escort you, Mr. Brown" I gave him a nod and he started to lead me inside.

He led me upstairs where few men in suits were seated on their own couches where many girls were wearing short dresses, giggling trying to get some attention from guys who were in the auction, some were sucking one another's life few were pushing down their dresses to give some view of their assets, tables filled with glasses of liquor and an ice bucket was placed.. below us I saw many people were desperately waiting for the auction to get started.

"Sir, My name is Mike, if you need anything just press the button below the table and I'll be at your service" i nodded

I looked around the place. It was a fancy auction house. A big stage in the middle quite big enough to give a good view of the items. Each pillar in the auction house separated every VIP clients, dim lights giving enough view of one another.

The auction was going to take place in a few minutes. I took the paper in front of me as the list of items were listed in it. My eyes landed on one item which was the last item of this auction. I need to get my hands on it.

I looked around trying to find a specific one. Scanning the whole room. I groaned in anger

"It's a pleasure to have you here, Mr.V. let me lead you to your seat. For your entertainment I've already called a few Italian beauties" I heard the laughter it.

I thought I'll find them here for the item. I guess I'll make them chase after me..

"It's good to see you too, Arnold"

My body stiffened my heart beats were racing as soon as I heard that voice my body immediately turned to the source of voice, slowly to look at the group of people. Bodyguards were surrounded by the two people

"It shouldn't be him" I prayed in fear.

For fuck sake just move aside already.

"A very good evening to one and all present here"

My mind drifts back towards the stage snapping me out of my trails of suspicious thoughts, where a beautiful girl stood in a dark blue thin strappy dress which had thigh high slits on both the sides of her legs, she started today's auction and that's how the room filled with darkness only the stage was glowing.

All I knew was the guy who I wanted to know I can't identify him anymore due to the darkness. All i knew was he was just a few meters away from me next to my pillar which was seperating us...

I might be wrong and just overthinking...

I can't be distracted..

Couple of items took its place people started to bidding while I was waiting for my item.

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