Chapter 8

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A week has passed by.. since audition. Everyone got the word of Vincenzo's and my upcoming spring performance.

Yes, that's right we successfully passed our Auditions as teachers were praising and were excited for our upcoming performance, they were impressed that's for sure not to forget even Lily passed her singing auditions...

Most of the kids especially Daisy and Penelope thought I either passed my audition due to my brother or because of Vincenzo.

Lily, Vincenzo and I always been together during classes, library, in school cafeterias and also sometimes I go to their place to hangout.

Sometimes even Adrien accompanies Lily and I for shopping, movies and cafes.

Our bond became stronger as per the days passed by. I never thought to have a friend but I guess it's not that bad. It's still a foreign feeling for me but it's a good one makes me feel good I guess

My therapist says that I'm improving and growing up leaving my past behind and getting closer to live a beautiful happy life.

While Adrien still warns me not to be too close to Vincenzo.

Penelope even saw us in the cafe as we were enjoying ourselves.
Penelope tried to be friends with Lily but Lily bluntly replied saying she doesn't need Barbie bimbo friends.

Penelope doesn't like me being around with Vincenzo. She tried a lot to break our group. I appreciated that none of them left me.. the fake scenarios and her lousy attempts which she planned with Daisy, created to make me look bad in everyone's eye and to ruin my reputation.

Daisy is trying to get into my nerves she involved my brother in this all.. feeding lies to him. But she doesn't know how hard it's to break us apart.

I just don't get it. If you have a problem with me why involve my brother in this?

My brother wants me to stay with Ryan rather than Vincenzo.

A groan thinking about her makes me feel sick. She literally made a big fuzz of it...


"Not just she tried to have Ryan but now she's trying to steal My Vincenzo" she said in pure hatred and jealousy directly looking at me and I narrowed my eyes

"Please don't say such things to her, what if it's just a mere misunderstanding between the two of u" Daisy said gently trying to gain everyone's sympathy. I made a deadpan look.. at least try to act natural bruah..

"Daisy you are just so naive. She tried to snatch Ryan from you and you still think she's good" she groaned in frustration and Daisy smiled in sadness.

"I believe people do change as per time and she would change too" giving me a weak fake smile.

"I saw her getting close to Eric too" Katherine said in jealousy with anger

"A who?" I was confused.

"Ohh, please stop pretending to be so innocent" I tilted my eyes and blinked my eyes at her as confusion ran inside my mind.

"Well many guys approached me to ask me out so I don't remember who exactly you're referring to" i said keeping my index finger on my chin as i thought and then looked back at them..

"Such a slut" she cusses me
"Who, you?" I laughed  "I know that already, you didn't have to say it too loud, Katherine" i simply said

"I have evidence" Katherine turned her phone and showed me the pic in which I was there with a guy she assumed his name is Eric.

"Ahhh" my eyes lit as soon as I saw the guy. Now I remember him.

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