Chapter 19

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Sara's Pov:-

Suddenly the car ride was getting too silent and I guess it was kind of awkward..

"How was it your first time interacting with your other form? How is she like? What's her name?" He asked while driving and I was leaning towards the window enjoying the breeze touching me..

"Should I take over?" Velix was excited to show herself to Adrian.. jumping up and down in her cloudy form.. I can't deny the fact she looked cute..

While i sighed..

"Her name is Velix and I don't remember much.. all I know is I have my other self which I'm eager to know.. let's hope she's not that dangerous" i chuckled which of course its ridiculous a whitish blue cloud like figure.. really can harm someone like seriously i chuckled..

I'm literally imagining this cute little missy trying to harm someone like seriously... I was chuckling at the thought.

"You don't know my powers, bishhh" I rolled my eyes at her grump tone..

"Yea, I'm so scared of you, already" i whined and she huffed in frustration

"Well, I have few witches who I know can help you with your transition" I looked at him in surprise.

"Werewolves and witches live together?" I asked in confusion

"Few live with us, few live by themselves, few live with other creatures while remaining are thrown into either punishment realms or just in helll for their sins"

"That's something new" I nodded in understanding..

"'re hairs are starting to turn white" he was stunned as he looked at me and then back in front driveway

"What!!" I was taken back by the information and pulled out my phone and started to examine my hairs..

"I'm already tired of these bluess and now white " i groaned in annoyance while my other self was excited

"This is what you get for being mean to me" I rolled my eyes on her.

"Would you please stop turning my black hair to white already, or else I'll shave my head" I yelled in annoyance and literally my own brother was laughing at my situation

"This ain't funny at all, she loves messing with me for no reason"  I was glaring at him who was driving peacefully

"Velix, just do as she says or she'll definitely shave her head"

"Of course I am being serious thou"

"Okay bish I'll stop with the process of whiting your hair"

My hair was whiting from it's roots and were coming down to its ends were now turning black from downward to upwards like magic..

"Woahh, i didn't thought it was possible thou" wht you mean isn't it normal

"Your hair can turn it's colour back to normal, then your highlights which u chopped off turned into ashes, that's really not normal but cool in someways.. can't wait any longer to discover your powers"

"Wht else can you do?" I asked her

"You aren't worthy enough to know " and she disappeared in anger..

"I donno yet.. do you think I'm a witch coz of my powers?" I questioned him

"I ain't a witch , you bishhhhh"  and with that my head started to thob loudly due to her yelling..

"I fucking hate herr!!!!" I yelled back, grabbing my head with my hands the pain wasn't decreasing at all..

"What happened?"

"That bish yelled so loudly as if it was an insult to guess her as a witch and now my head is aching way too much" he chuckled in amusement

"Learnt something new about your otherself" I sighed in frustration and kept my eyes shut.

After a while...

We reached to Adrian's Pack house... It was mostly like a small city.. they grow vegetables fruits and grains they have their own restaurants fast food points malls and cafes and theatres too, etc...

"You have a very pretty town" I was impressed and proud of him.

"This town is our parents place" and I looked at him in suprise

"Woah.. really. Why all of the sudden I'm getting to hear this piece of information" i glared at him.

"Didn't wanted to risk our existence" i nodded in understanding


The car stopped and I got out of the care and my eyes widened in surprise again...  a big large mansion..

"We are living here!!" He nodded and one of the woman opened the door and bowed her head

"Alpha Adrian and Ms..." She was in her late 20s with brown Tan skin with big green eyes and plum pink lips with freckles around her cheeks..

"Laila she's my sister Sara" she smiled at me and hugged me I stiffened and looked at Adrian glaring him and he smirked at me.

"It's good to finally meet you, beta Sara"

"Beta Sara?" I was questioning her and she looked at me at the same confusion written on her face and then back to Adrian, he shook his head and said

"She's not our beta, Sara. She's just my sister.. she doesn't like responsibilities " i called him 'fucker' which he chuckled Inreturn... he told me that he can hear everything crystal clearly as he has wolf powers.. we started to head inside with my hands in his mostly dragging me inside the house

"I want evryone at the training ground in an hour plus send invitations to the witches to join for dinner we have some things to discuss" she nodded

"Sara, your room is next to Alpha Adrian" I nodded and looked at Adrian

"I've already prepared some snacks you can have once you have freshen up or should I send it to your rooms?"

"No need to bother I'll have by myself" she bowed to Adrian and she left..

"That was such a highness, treatment" he chuckled while grabbed my bags and I was following behind him

"I'm their alpha of course they'll treat me like their king, in your words like. Boss"

"Do remember you're going to show me your skills today on the training ground " he ordered me and I rolled my eyes on him.

"Okay brother " I wanted to sleep..

I was crying in need of sleep while he I have to obey him bcoz right now I'm in his life mostly with his people he has some reputation which I don't want to ruin so yeah as his sister I have to keep his reputation stable .

We reached to my room it was pretty big and cute queen size bed with my style black and red.. walls were black with red furniture.. suited it perfectly.

"I like it" i ran towards the bed and dropped my body on the most peaceful bed it was like cloud..

"Heaven" and I was about to fall asleep

"Change nd meet me in half hour " i groaned in annoyance yet I pulled myself up..

"Why I agreed to come here?" I was whining yet I collected myself and started to head towards the bathroom.

"Can I take over please?"
"Why?" I asked her while putting shampoo on my hairs

"I want to show my skills to our brother and his people, duh"

"I'm already too exhausted to handle you, Velix please spare my life"

"Fine, whinny woo" and she disappeared

Peaceful shower time with my music in the background I was enjoying this piece..

But it was just calmness before the storm

"Missed me, mate" my breathing hitched as soon as I heard his voice slowly turned around in fear to check and...


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