Chapter -16

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Unknown's Pov:–

She pulled away from me, and that's when I noticed her eyes had turned completely white, with hints of blue, as she gazed at me with admiration and love.

"Is this her true form, Dante?" I inquired, as he stood with our mate.

"My mate, I longed for your touch so much," her voice echoed with love and happiness. Strands of her hair had transformed into shades of blue and white.

"Let me claim you as mine, and I promise the next time we meet, you'll witness my true form." She cupped my face, planting kisses on my cheeks.

"You're struggling with the transformation, aren't you?" He asked, and she nodded, tears streaming down her beautiful face.

"Tell me how I can help ease your pain," Dante said, kissing the back of her hands with love and care. Her hands were so delicate and rosy

"Bring your human here right now," she commanded with the hint of anger

"All I want is for you to wait for me Dante" Dante promptly obeyed and he let me take control

"And If you won't, I'll ensure disaster follows" she declared, her eyes void of emotions, I found myself taken aback by her dominance as if it meant for me.

"You knew you had a mate, yet you had relations with someone else, causing me suffering, and now you have the audacity to come and heal my human." She slapped me hard across the face, her expression filled with disgust.

Ouch that was quite a good shot thou..

"I can destroy you within seconds; be thankful you are my mate," she spat in disgust, and I glared at her with anger.

In a sudden surge, I grabbed her neck and pressed her against the wall, catching her off guard.

"Don't you dare speak disobediently to me," I warned sternly. Swiftly, she twisted my hands, shifting our positions so that she hovered on top of me while I lay below her on the bed.

"I will talk to you the way I want, and I'll do whatever I want," she smirked in amusement, while I sternly warned her again.

"Don't you dare to even think to clai-" Before I could complete my sentence, she started marking me. I attempted to push her away in anger, but Dante took control, and they shared their moment.

"Dante, let me take control; I don't want this weakling as my mate. I don't want a mate like her," I screamed in anger, trying to regain control, but Dante resisted. They both marked each other simultaneously, causing me to fall to my knees in defeat.

"Tell your human he's bound to me; officially, we are one soul to be destroyed. If he ever rejects my human, his suffering will be worse than anything. I'll make sure of it—mentally, physically, and emotionally." With that, I returned to my human form.

"I knew you never planned to mark me"  she smirked in amusement. I glared at her, and she reciprocated, switching back to Sara. Sara fainted in my arms, and I sighed in defeat.

"Why did she faint?" I asked Dante, who seemed content being marked by his mate, unlike me.

"She's bound by dark magic that drains her human energy," Dante explained...

"Can you communicate with her now?"

"No, it was only during the moment when she took over Sara.. it was her first time" he was quite impressed by our mate's true form

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