Request page

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You may put in requests here in this chapter only as I'm not going to hunt for requests in every chapter.

Characters that I will do (romance):

1. Xiao (my bby)

2. Kazuha (also my bby)

3. Zhongli (my husbanddd)

4. Albedo

5. Venti

6. Chongyun 

7. Xingqiu

8. Thoma

9. Diluc 

10. Razor

11. Bennett

12. Gorou

13. Tighnari

14. Al-haitham (oh my gawd this man-)

15. Cyno

16. Aether

17. Heizou 

18. Ayato

19. Wanderer

20. Lyney

21. Freminet

22. Neuvilette

23. Wriothesley

24. Gaming

25. Mika

26. Baizhu

27. Kaveh

(A/n: New characters are added as of 24 February 2024)

A/N: you may be wondering where is Kaeya and Childe it is because I have slight dislike towards them and idk how to write their character. As for Itto, umm don't get me wrong I love his chaotic energy but I have zero idea how to portray his character. So very sorry to Kaeya, Childe and Itto simps out there I respect your choice but I just can't. Hope u understand 😊

Platonic relationships: every character (especially the children ones, they're too cute)

I will do:

1. Fluff

2. Angst (I'm a sucker for angst)

3. au (eg: high school au)

3. A bit suggestive but not too much

(No smut sorry idk how to write them I only read them)

Format for requests:


Character: Xiao (romance)

Au: high school au, soulmate au

Genre: angst

Simple prompt: where Xiao doesn't love his soulmate, but another girl who doesn't have one.

(Or smth like that)

(If there aren't any requests at the moment I will write my own if you don't mind)

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