❥Gaming❥ || Sleeping Lion

413 14 9

Started: 30 March 2024

Published: 11 May 2024


AUs: highschool AU (yes it's backkkk)


Warning(s): none

A/n: I finally got around to write a chapter for my bby Gaming 🥹 it's going to be a short (I hope) and sweet one <3

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"Okay, class is dismissed. Remember to submit your reports tomorrow!" Mr. Baizhu, our biology teacher said.

Everyone immediately started to pack their things and leave.

I shoved all my books in my bag and sprinted full speed out the door, surprising my best friend, Xinyan on the way out.

"Whoa there! Be careful Y/n!" She shouted after me.

"Okay!" I shouted back.

"Why is she rushing?" Yunjin, another one of my friends asked, surprised.

"Gaming has a competition today. And it's right after school ends." The brunette crossed her arms behind her head.

"Oh... I see. I would have liked to see it but I have practice today... it's a pity. Gaming's Wushou dancing is so fun to watch." The opera singer said.

"Yeah. Me too. We'll just ask Y/n for the details later." 


Unchaining my bike, I sped towards the stadium that Gaming was competing in.

Upon arriving, I pushed through the crowd to get to the seat Gaming reserved for me. I spotted him talking to his teammate and it looked like they haven't started yet.

"GAMING!" I shouted, getting his attention.

He turned towards me, his eyes brightening up and he flashed me a big smile. "N/n! You made it!"

"Of course! Do your best, Gaming!" 

"I will!" He gave me a confident thumbs up and his team got called up to perform.

Anticipation hung in the air as everyone took their positions and the drummers raised their drumsticks.

The lion immediately came to life in sync with the drums, the powerful sounds mimicking the heartbeat of the lion.

It was as if the beast dancing on stage was a real living thing.

The other audience members as well as the judges watched in awe, enraptured by the fluid yet fiery movements.

Not only did the lion jump from pole to pole with precision and grace, it danced on the poles unlike any other performer before.

Pride swelled in my chest, knowing that it was Gaming who pours his heart and soul into this marvelous performance.

The performance ended with Gaming jumping on his partner's shoulders, mimicking a lion standing, and tossing a ball that exploded in a million sparkling bits.

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