♚Genshin Men as Dads?|| Headcannons♚

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Started: 27 June 2023

Published: 7 August 2023


AUs: some Modern AU, some Original AU

Genre: FLUFF

Warning(s): None 

A/n: FYI, I picked the number of characters and the characters themselves using the wheel so... yea. (I'm indecisive like that don't judge). I might try to make them as short as I humanly can, wish me luck :). Also, I didn't specify the child's gender or the number of children so... ✨let your imagination run wild ✨

(Feel free to tell me if I did, I'll edit it)

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙


☆» Okay okay okay, let me just tell you, this SUNSHINE BOI is 1000% a family man

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☆» Okay okay okay, let me just tell you, this SUNSHINE BOI is 1000% a family man

☆» No one can change my mind 

☆» I mean, he's travelling through an entire world just to find his sister, imagine just how protective of his child he would be

☆» But... if his little angel(s) beg him enough to let them go adventuring with him, he'll definitely let them... but he'll be hovering over their every movement, annoying them...

☆» "Dad! It's just a small slime! I can do it myself!" | "But dear, their attacks can still hurt, y'know! Oh! Look, a crystalfly!" | "Huh? Where?"

☆» Then he kills the slimes without them knowing.

 ☆» "DAD!!!" | "What? C'mon, let's go!"

☆» He already lost his sister once, he's not going to let ANYONE take his beloved angel(s)

☆» That said though, he's definitely the fun and lenient dad. (He just can't say no for long D:)

☆» He might have or might have not requested for Uncle adeptus Xiao to watch over them (and you) secretly while he's gone.

☆» As a traveler, he's often out and about but he always, ALWAYS, comes back home at the end of the day, no matter the circumstances. (Some abyss business needing foiling? Screw them, his angel(s) needs him at home, no excuses)



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