༺Xiao༻|| 🥳HBD TO ME~ 🎉

200 3 11

Started: 16 May 2024

Published: 19 June 2024


AUs: high school AU


Warning(s): this is less of a 'x reader' and more of a... celebratory(?) chapter

A/n: This chapter has references to last year's chapter, 'Thank you, Cinderella!' So I really recommend reading that first :D

(This is lil late coz I f*cking forgot to press the publish button yesterday)


Y/n POV 

Loud and lively chatters filled through the halls of Teyvat High. An enormous campus full of students from different walks of life. 


"Good morning President Y/n!" Bennett and his friends from the Mondstadt faction greeted me.

"Good morning!" I smiled back.

"Heya Y/n!" Dehya waved as I walked by.

"Hey!" I waved back.

"Good morning!" Multiple other people greeted me as I walked down the halls.

I wished them a good morning back and I finally reached the student council office. 

Everyone inside also greeted me as I sat down. 

"Coffee, Pres?" Navia from the Fontaine faction offered. 

"Yes, please." I accepted the caramel latte from the blonde. "Well then, is everyone here? Good. Let us start the meeting."

"Teyvat High's 168th cultural festival is almost upon us. All classes will have their own stalls and other events will be discussed during this meeting." I pulled up the poster for this year's festival. 

I went over every event and assigned someone to be in charge of them. 

"Finally, Mr. Dainsleif has requested that the student council to partake in this year's festival." I said, taking a sip of my coffee.

"But aren't we already...?" Amber from the Mondstadt faction mused. 

I sighed. "We were asked to prepare a stall like the other classes, to 'make us seem more public ' or something like that."


"He said that we needed to be a little more... personal with the student body and frankly, I don't get it myself but I'll assume it's because he wants the work we do to be appreciated." I shrugged. "So... does anyone have ideas for what we should do?"

Everyone gave multiple ideas from the usual haunted house to a sparring tournament to a TCG stall to a play but none of those seemed really fitting. 

"Hmm... I think these are good ideas but we will be really busy on the day so I don't think we can manage an active stall even if we take shifts..." I mused, looking at our options. "How about a play?"

"Would we have enough people to handle the backstage...?" Ayato from the Inazuma faction asked.

"That's true..." I frowned, stumped.

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