☆Aether☆|| Second rate, second choice

829 17 14

Started: 19 April 2023

Published: 26 May 2023


AUs: Idol AU, Soulmate AU

Genre: ANGSTTT 😈

Warning(s): This is the kind of angst that makes you hate yourself so proceed with caution, you have been warned

Notes: 'Hayate' is the name I going to be using for Wanderer if you didn't know but if you want to insert your own name for him then be my guest.

A/n: Yup, I'm back with some angst, my dear readers 😈. I have a lot of angst prompts but I only ever got around to write the Kazuha one so... it's about time I did another one ;)

⊱ ────── {⋆⌘⋆} ────── ⊰⊱ ────── {⋆⌘⋆} ────── ⊰

Y/n POV 

'Hmm let me see... towel? Check. Changes of clothes? Check. Make up? Check. Disguise? Check. Spare mic? Check. The idol contract? Check. Identity passes? Check. Make up artists and driver? Check. Aether? ...Nope. Haihhh... please don't tell me he's still not awake yet...' I sighed as I did a final check on the boy's needed things for today.

As I put my clipboard down, I made my way to my boss, who is also my childhood friend's room.

"Aether! Wake up already!" I shouted, knocking (pounding) on his bedroom door.

"Mmmmnmm... five more minutes..." Aether's sleepy voice mumbled.

'His morning voice is so cute! Wait no-! You're on work hours, Y/n. Focus. Now's not the time to get flustered.' I shook away my intrusive thoughts and urged him again. "There's no time for 'five more minutes'! You're going to be late for your first day with your new group!"

"Oh shi-" he said before I heard a thud. He must have fallen off his bed.

"Hey, are you okay in there?"

"I'm fine- Ouch... that hurt- I'll be down in five."

"Okay." I replied before I went downstairs to do a final-final check on everything.

" I replied before I went downstairs to do a final-final check on everything

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"Welcome to Tevyat Productions. Please, right this way Mr. Aether." A short, pale grey haired young lady greeted us politely once we confirmed our business here.

"Ms. Jean is waiting for you in here. Now, please excuse me, have a good day!" The lady whose name I learned to be Noelle bowed and walked off.

"Thank you!" I replied and then turned to Aether. "Ready?"

He only nodded in response and entered the office with a neutral look on his face. 

"Ah. Hello, Mr. Aether. Glad to have you here today. Please, have a seat." The tall blonde lady who was sitting at the desk greeted us once we entered. "Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Jean,  the supervisor for the new group that you'll be joining today. I'm sure you have been thoroughly informed of the details, am I correct?"

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