༺Xiao ||Christmas Spirit༺

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Started: 5 December 2022

Published: 24 December 2022


AUs: None

Genre: fluff

Warning(s): no 'same gender x same gender' sorry; I'm uncomfortable with writing those, sorry if you don't like the ships I mentioned.

A/N: A little reminder: the reader is NOT Lumine in this chapter thank you. Also, this chapter is less Xiao x reader and more everyone having a great time together (Ayather/ Aeyaka for life)




I opened my eyes upon hearing the racket from downstairs. 'What the hell? Who's making that much noise in the morning?' I furrowed my brows, silently swearing to kill whoever that dares to wake me up in such an ungodly way.

As I sleepily stumbled outside, I was met with my big brother, Aether, in a pile of Christmas decorations and a ginormous Christmas tree.

"Aether? Wh-*yawn* what are you doing so early?"

"Oh! Sorry, did I wake you?"

"You think?" I grumbled.

He laughed nervously. "A-anyway, don't you remember? It's almost that time of the year"

A few seconds of my sleepy brain prossesing what he said finally clicked, making me wake up fully. "Wait- CHRISTMAS IS NEAR?! YAY!" 

I bounced around in excitement while Aether just looked at my excitement with a  smile.

"Wait- does the people on Tevyat even celebrate Christmas?" I abruptly stopped.

"As far as I know, no. Which is why I plan to invite almost everyone we know to teach them about the wonders of Christmas."

"Everyone? As in EVERYONE, everyone? Over 70 of our friends?" I gaped.

"Yes, which is why YOU will help me"

"Okay! Just lemme go change."

When I came down, Paimon was also awake and beaming with excitement, assuming Aether already told her everything

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When I came down, Paimon was also awake and beaming with excitement, assuming Aether already told her everything. 

"Okay, so... what are you planning to host a big of as group as 60 people? Can they even fit in the Serenitea pot?" I wondered, thinking of all our friends from Mondstadt to Sumeru.

He smirked. 

It was rare to see Aether do such a thing so I naturally guessed that he was up to no good. 

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