Platonic oneshots (1)||✨Reincarnated as a Seelie✨

720 16 22

Started: 24 February 2023

Published: 2 March 2023


AUs: reincarnated AU

Genre: fluff, platonic 

Warning(s): none

A/n: This was inspired by a post I saw on tumblr so credits to the person who wrote that. Since that tumblr post only featured the Sumeru cast (minus Wanderer), I wanted to try my hand at writing the other characters :) (go check that post out; it's really adorable and fluffy) (Here's the link <3)

Also, this oneshot will feature multiple characters, including females. If you want me to do an extension to a romantic relationship with one of the MALE characters, please comment here ➡️

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Y/n POV 

'Why. Of all things, I get reincarnated as a Seelie? Well, might as well become a hot/ pretty character's pet while I'm here' I slumped as soon as I realised what happened to myself after I died of my illness.

Yes, it's me, Y/n! Your favourite protagonist trying to survive in the world of the game, 'Genshin Impact' as a F ing seelie :D

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Kazuha (ft. Beidou)

༺ Well- as if reincarnating as a Seelie wasn't unlucky enough, you landed in the f***ing sea when you regained your consciousness and of course you couldn't swim with these tiny Seelie limbs of yours

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༺ Well- as if reincarnating as a Seelie wasn't unlucky enough, you landed in the f***ing sea when you regained your consciousness and of course you couldn't swim with these tiny Seelie limbs of yours. You thought that you were going to die again before you could even begin your new life when you felt a pair of hands fishing you out of the sea.

༺ Turning to look at your saviour, it was none other than my favourite character in Genshin Impact, Kazuha. Holding your deflated self to his eye level, he wondered what you were. Surprised at the sudden closeness, you immediately sprang back up again, squeaking frantically. 

༺ Hearing the commotion, Beidou came to check on the platinum blonde haired boy but was greeted by your Seelie self slamming right into her face. Peeling your jelly-like form off, the both of them observed your form once again. Beidou realised that you were in fact, a Seelie. Kazuha also noted that he saw a different coloured one following the traveler around before.

༺ Putting you in Kazuha's care, you effectively became an honorary member of the Crux fleet. One time, a member of the Crux thought that you were a ghost and nearly threw you across the ocean. To prevent that from happening again, Kazuha put a mini version of his pom pom accessory and a leaf on you. 

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