Christmas special ||Santa... Archons?

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(Credits to artist ⬆️ it was just sitting in my photo library)

Started: 23 November 2023

Published: 25 December 2023


AUs: None

Genre: Fluff

Warning(s): Slight spoilers (especially for the the Fontaine story)

A/n: *in a deep voice* HO HO HO! Have you been naughty or nice? Either way, MERRY CHRISTMAS ❤️


Third person POV

"So? What matter is so pressing that you need to gather all of the Archons this time? Not to mention this... dragon sovereign. Why is he here?" The brown haired Geo archon asked the smiling Anemo archon with a slight glare, peering at the white haired dragon.

"I agree. Not all of us has so much free time like you. We have our nations to watch over." The electro archon crossed her arms.

"Hey, hey, Zhongli, Ei! Why so impatient? Besides, our final guest has yet to arrive. She'll be a little late though." The carefree archon said.

"Final guest?" All of the other archons minus Neuvilette and Furina asked.

"Umm... If I may ask... why am I included? I... am no longer an archon, y'know." Furina spoke up silently, earning the gaze of everyone there.

"It's fine! You were one of us anyway! We didn't even get to meet before... those things happened. As a fellow entertainer myself, it would be a shame to not be acquainted with such a talent as yours , archon or not." Venti smiled kindly and all of the other archons nodded in agreement.

"I must admit, being able to adhere to your own contract without wavering for so long is worthy of respect. Even with your divinity gone, you are a God of Justice worthy of recognition."

"Preserving your spirit for 500 years... your willpower is that of a god's."

"Mhm! I'm... not that much of an archon either... however, I also think that your wisdom and willpower is truly unique. I'm my opinion, you were much more of an archon than I am." 

"Really...? Thank you... being praised by so many may powerful archons... is flattering." Furina looked away, flustered.

Neuvilette smiled very slightly at the interaction like a proud father. 

Clearing his throat, Venti got everyone's attention again. "Well, seeing that she hasn't arrived yet, I'm going to start explaining first."

"Let me ask something first." He began, dramatically pointing at every one of them. "Do you know what time of year is it?"

Ei stared at Venti blankly. "It's December?"

"No, but close." Venti shook his finger.

"It's almost Christmas?" Nahida guessed.

"Ding ding! You're correct! Christmas is coming!" The bard threw flower petals into the air(where did he even get that from?). 

"So? What does that human celebration have to do with you summoning all of us here?" Neuvilette asked, speaking up for the first time in the meeting. He was starting to get a little impatient with the Anemo archon's antics.

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