༺Xiao༺|| Hate?

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Started: 21 September 2022

Published: 21 September 2023


AUs: None (the setting is in Tevyat)

Genre: angst to fluff (sort of..?)

Warning(s): might be ooc Xiao, cliché, confusing POVs

A/n: Holy shit I started this like, a YEAR ago?! And yes, I'm back to finish it 🫠 (totally not bc the Scara chapter I've been working on is wayyyy too long and difficult hahahaha....) Also, Lumine is the traveler in this for plot purposes :)

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Second person pov

Who knew the mighty yaksha would become like this? A mess of emotions inside his supposedly cold heart? How could you, a mortal, make such a mess out of him? 

You, who brings light into everyone that you meet and greeting them with a bright smile is, ironically, helplessly in love with the stone cold yaksha. 

He hates you. He was sure of it.

Ever since he laid his eyes on you, his heart won't stop twisting in an unknown manner. It was so unbearable that he thought he was finally dying from his thousand-year karmic debt.

Eventually, he reached a conclusion within himself that he absolutely hates you as a reason for the turmoil inside his heart.

Eventually, he reached a conclusion within himself that he absolutely hates you as a reason for the turmoil inside his heart

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"Xiao!" a cheerful voice pierces through the solitary silence of the rooftop balcony on top of Wangshu inn.

*Sigh* 'Not again...' the said adeptus grumbled in his mind. "What do you want." He said, his tone sharper than the spear he wields.

"Oh come on, my dear Xiao, don't be so cold. Is that how you treat your dearest companion and chef?" You smiled, holding a plate of freshly made almond tofu.

The yaksha ignored your statement and just snatched the plate of almond tofu from your hands. I mean, who is he to refuse a perfectly good plate of almond tofu? Even if it is from the mortal he despises the most.

"Leave." Xiao said, not wanting to be in your presence any longer.

However, being the stubborn and dense girl that you are, stood your ground. "How many times have I told you this, Xiao. I am merely caring for you, as a sign of gratitude for your protection around Liyue."

"I don't need your thanks. This is my job. And how many times must I tell you to stay away from me." He said coldly, dismissing any further argument.

You pouted. "We've known each other for years, Xiao. You know that I won't listen to you no matter what you say. And besides, I have a vision." Pointing to your (ironically) cryo vision on your waist.

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