Genshin characters vs. the Cold

687 17 73

Started: 20 November 2023

Published: 3 December 2023


AUs: None

Genre: fluff/ headcanons 

Warning(s): The headcannons for the female and smol characters are strictly platonic, although the males could be seen as platonic too (some are romantic) and the reader is Traveller in this one(mostly being referred to as Y/n but some characters still refer to you as Traveller)

A/n: This is a little filler for before Christmas :) (definitely has idea for a chapter  *sweats and looks away*) also, I live in a tropical country so I've never experienced winter before :C I would like to though... it's eternal summer over here 😥



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Aether: I don't want to go out today... it's way too cold for that... mmm... darlinggg~ come here, please? *traps you in his arms* just... let me sleep for a while longer...

Albedo: Y/n, thank you for coming with me. Winter in Mondstadt is certainly a must to paint, the snow-covered trees, you in your winter wear, the exquisite frozen lake, the- oh. Are you cold? Here, have my jacket. Don't worry, the cold doesn't bother me.

Amber: Hey! Long time no see! Are you cold? C'mon, I'll treat you to a steak and hot chocolate at Good Hunter's! Let's go find Eula and go skating after!

Barbara: Brrr... its freezing! It will be hard to sing in this weather...! I guess we'll need more layers of clothing... hold on, where's sister Rozaria?

Bennett: Let's go on a Winter adventure! Oh man... there's a giant pile of snow at the gates...hmm... I know! I'll melt right through them! C'mon, lend a hand!

Diluc: Ah... a glass of wine to warm up? I would advise against it. Here, have a hot chocolate instead. *hands you a fluffy blanket* you were shivering... better to not catch a cold.

Diona: Hey Y/n! Care to join me for a game of TCG? Business has been slow with the snowstorms lately, I can't even go out without my paws being frozen into pawsicles! (A/n: I'm sorry www)

Eula: It's winter... perfect timing to go for a swim in Cider lake. Care to tag along? Oh.. you're not interested? It's not even that cold.

Ficshl: I, Fischl, Prinzessin der Ver- ACHOO! Welcome her most devout followers ba- ACHOO! ugh... Oz: What the Prinzessin means is welcome back to Mondstadt, and I'm afraid she's sick.... Fischl: The great Prinzessin der Verurteilung does not get- ACHOO! sick...

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