༺Xiao༻ || His Angels

388 11 10

Started: 3 April 2024

Published: 17 April 2024


AUs: modern AU

Genre: fluff

Warning(s): none

A/n: It's Xiao's birthday again!!! Here I am with another Xiao chapter <3 (the number of these are honestly getting a little out of hand but this chapter will be short)


Second person POV

Little pitter patter sounds ran up the stairs and towards the bedroom. The small figure burst into the room, leaping onto the bed.

Crawling up to straddle the sleeping figure nestled in the sheets, she shook said figure as hard as she could to wake him up. "PAPAAAA! WAKE UP! PAPAAAA!"

The figure grabbed the little girl playfully and trapped her within his arms.

"PAPA! HAHAHA! That tickles!" She squirmed. "Let me go!"

He loosened his grip and adjusted his hazy vision to look at the same golden eyes as his.

"Happy birthday Papa!" She beamed.

His eyes softened at her cute expression and patted he head.

It was his way of saying thank you.

"Good morning, Xiao." You gave your husband a kiss. "Happy Birthday."

Xiao nodded, a small blush dusting his cheeks.

Even after all these years of being with you, your love has always made him fall over and over again.

After a light breakfast, the little girl asked him on where he would like to go for his birthday.

"Anywhere is good. Why don't you pick?" Xiao asked back.

"No! It's your birthday! You pick!" (D/n) exclaimed, looking at him determinedly.

(D/n)= daughter's name)

A sense of Deja Vu picked at Xiao. You had said the exact same thing to him many years ago. 




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The little family of three stepped onto a field of beautiful flowers, located in the Guili Plains. Nearby was the Luhua Pools, famous for their hot springs.

"Wowwww! So pretty!" (D/n) exclaimed, running off into the distance.

"It's the first birthday you get to spend with her..." you leaned on his shoulders.

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