??? || Thank you, Cinderella!

577 11 11

Started: 6 June 2023

Published: 19 June 2023


AUs: Modern AU, High School AU (Teyvat high is backkkk *p.s. Teyvat High is from my Albedo chapter *)

Genre: Angst to fluff

Warning(s): Basically my whole entire mental state but exaggerated a teeny🤏🏻 bit and quite a few timeskips 

A/n: This is kind of a special chapter and stay tuned to find out who the character is~ (definitely not me running out of ideas and trying something new-) (I can't say that I did a good job of it but whatever-)



*chirp chirp*



'Ughhhh...' I groaned as my alarm blasted my ears off.

Getting off my oh-so-comfortable bed and walking across the room to turn off the menace, I stretched my arms and looked at the rising sun from my window.

'Another day of school I guess...' I yawned and went to get ready.

30 minutes later, I mindlessly walked to the small kitchen in my apartment to make my breakfast and lunchbox.

Letting my mind wander, I began to list out the things I needed to do today out of habit. 'Let me see... I need to finish up the report and model once that guy gives me back my notes, plan the activities for next week's club, help the volleyball team as a referee, student council, class, homework, training, write this week's newsletter, help Ms. Nahida with sorting the new books, gather materials for Tighnari's talk, Albedo's experiment, Kokomi's poll... aaaand about 3 unfinished group projects.'

By the time I finished my veeeeeeeery long list, I was done making my bento and pancakes.

Wolfing down my pancakes, I grabbed my bag and dashed out of the door.

This was a regular day for me. Other than attending classes like a usual student, I am always asked to help out with just about anything and everything.

 Other than attending classes like a usual student, I am always asked to help out with just about anything and everything

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Using my (f/e) *favourite element* vision to move faster through the growing crowd of Teyvat high, I started my day of work. (Alternate sprint)

As usual, the moment the teacher assigns a short group work, I was left being the leader of the group again because they didn't want the trouble of doing the bulk of the work. 

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