SFW alphabet #2 || ⚡️Cyno⚡️

615 14 6

Started: 16 May 2023

Published: 16 May 2023 (wow same day woooo)


AUs: Original AU

Genre: Fluff

Warning(s): None

A/n: Another filler chapter lesggo... uh- I know I said angst but... I'm working on it- and I feel bad for not updating for a month so...yea. Also, I'm only going to do the alphabets of his name plus some extras coz doing all 26 alphabets is too many. 🫠

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C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)

♛ Y.E.S. He absolutely LOVES the feel of your warmth on him, especially after a long, tiring day of chasing criminals around. His love language is physical touch, after all. He literally latches onto you every chance he gets. He likes to be the little spoon, burying his face in your neck while you comb through his hair, taking in your comforting scent. He swears that his mind goes completely blank whenever you would run your fingers through his hair, he can't even spit out his favourite jokes.

Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn't like, either in general or in a partner?)

♛  Well, we all know him. He hates, absolutely HATES unfairness and injustice. That's the exact reason why he is still the General Mahamatra. But still, he values fairness above all else. That includes his significant other.

N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)

♛ Two words: Can't. BREATHE... Ok I'm kidding. But still- Cyno tends to go on long trips because of his job so he can't curl himself up in your arms every night (much to his dismay). However, he keeps a locket with the both of your pictures on it so he can still look at your beautiful face till he sleeps <3. But on the occasion that he FINALLY gets to spend the night with you, he hugs you like a koala. He will not let you go. It's not like you hate it though... and the two of you would chat until one of you falls asleep, which is usually you and he just admires you till he himself drifts off to sleep.

O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)

♛ Hmm... you've probably already known who Cyno is, considering his status as the General Mahamatra but once you've become friends with him, he would introduce you to his other friends, Tighnari and Collei. From them you would learn quite a lot about the usually serious general. Once you were in a relationship though, he would tell you everything, from his past to his time at the Akademiya to the time he saved Collei and many more. He didn't like to hide anything from his beloved. However, he still keeps things like his missions a secret until they are fully taken cared of to protect you.


I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)

♛  Ohohoho~ believe it or not, he was a bit torn on saying his first 'I love you' to you because he wanted it to be special. Like literally, he was fussing over this for days, so much that he stopped telling jokes to Tighnari, making the poor fox boy extremely worried. When Cyno finally gathered enough courage to ask for help, Tighnari felt like chocking him on the spot. Eventually, he just told Cyno to be himself. And that's what he did. He just walked up to you in the kitchen and said: "Knock, knock." Giggling and entertaining his jokes like you always do, you replied. "Who's there?" "Honeydew." "Honeydew who?" "Honeydew you know how much I love you?" He dropped the last line that made you burst out laughing. (You gave him a very sweet kiss after <3)

The End💜⚡️~

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Aaaaand done! Uhh...


Soooo how are y'all doing? Did everyone get your Kavehs/ Baizhus? 

Or are you saving for someone else?

In any case, I hope Kokomi gets a rerun soon (TwT) I desperately need another hydro unit-


Good luck for your pulls bai 👋🏻

(God I'm so awkward help)

Kazuki chan 🌸~

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