✧Albedo✧|| Future wifey

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Started: 13 November 2022

Published: 30 November 2022

Edited: 19 February 2023

AU(s): Modern au, High school au

Genre: Fluff Fluff Fluff

Warning(s): sort of cringe, sickeningly sweet, a little ✨SPICE✨

A/N: So...I decided to step away from angst for a bit and write a bit of fluff :)



"XIAO! WAKE THE HELL UP! WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!" I screamed from downstairs to my still sleeping big brother.

"Y/n, why don't you go wake him up physically? He'll never hear you even if you shout" Ganyu, the eldest said sleepily.

"*sigh* fine. Also, did you not get enough sleep again? I told yo-"

"If you keep lecturing your sister, you're going to be late too, y/n" our mother, Guizhong popped out from the kitchen.

"Right-" I sprinted upstairs and slammed open Xiao's door. *BAM* "WAKE UP XIAO! WE'RE LATE!"

"I'M ALREADY AWAKE DUMBASS" a voice shouted from the bathroom.

I rolled my eyes. "Glad you're awake on time for once. I don't even know who is the older one here. We're leaving in 5. Oh and you're driving. I can't trust Ganyu to drive when she's sleep deprived."

"No-" he didn't even get to protest when I slammed the door closed and went downstairs.

After reluctantly driving us to school, Xiao dropped me and Ganyu off at the Liyue building before going to park the car.

Upon entering the building, I was (rudely) tackled by none other than my best friend, Yanfei. "Good morning , y/n!"

 "Good morning... can you get off me now? I'm about to fall over."

"Oh sorry. Anywayyy... why were you later than usual today? Did you get caught up with you boyfriend?" She teased.

"Shhh! Not so loud! And no, my dad started to ramble when we were leaving." I huffed, my cheeks heating up.

Yes, me and Albedo are in a secret relationship where only a few people know about us. And no, it is not because I am scared of rivals, it's because Albedo prefers to not have that much attention on him. (Not that he already has a whole fan club)

"Y/nnn...~BOO!" An oh-so-familiar sing-song voice attempted to scare me. 

"Oh, Good Morning, HuTao" I replied normally, not batting an eye.

"Aiya, you're no fun to scare, y/n." She pouted.

"Come on, let's get to class. We don't want Ms.Shenhe to scold us again, do we?" Yanfei interrupted and started to walk off to our class.

A few hours later, it was finally almost P.E. class! Everyone was eagerly waiting for the looooong lecture that Mr. Zhongli, our history teacher (and my dad) was presenting to end. Don't get me wrong, I love his stories but I love P.E. more.

*RINGGGGGG* the bell finally rang.

"The salt god- oh? Looks like our time is up for today. Everyone, you will have a small quiz on chapter 4 next week so please study for it. You are dismissed." He let us go right on time since he was a man of punctuality.

"Woooo! Finally over! I was about to fall asleep!" HuTao exclaimed, jumping up in excitement and packing her things as soon as Mr. Zhongli was out the classroom.

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