❦Alhaitham❦|| Drunken Accidents

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Started: 25 January 2023

Published: 11 February 2023

Edited: 30 March 2024

AUs: None 

Genre: fluff 

Warning(s): mentions of alcohol, spoilers for the finale Sumeru archon quest, the traveler is Aether again :)

A/n: yup. I'm back at it again. *sigh* help me


Y/n POV 

"Y/n. Get the documents ready. We have a meeting with the doctor." Azar, the Grand Sage ordered me when he summoned me into his office.

"Yes, Grand Sage. I will be there shortly." I bowed politely before I left the office to pick up said documents.

I sighed mentally. 'That shitty old man... you will regret your actions...' 

'Y/n. Are you there?'A familiar voice came from my Akasha terminal.

'What do you want, Scribe Alhaitham? I'm busy.' I replied coldly.

'Meet me at the usual location in Port Ormos tonight. You know when.' That was all he said before he hung up.

My eye twitched. 'I'm already busy enough... the arrogance of that man! And after he disappeared to who knows where for so long, increasing my workload too!'

I brushed his behaviour off and continued to head to my office.

Along the way, I heard passing scholars gossiping as soon as they saw me. Well, I'm already used to it. 

"Hey look! Isn't that Y/n? The grand sage's assistant?" A male scholar whispered to his colleague.

"Yeah... she's so scary... I don't want to cross her..." Another scholar shivered.

"Have you heard? She is only 26!"

"What?! She's so young and she's already in such a high position!"

"Her family is no different either. You know Kaveh from the Kshahrewar darshan right? I heard that he and Y/n here are twins!"

"Seriously?! I've talked to Kaveh once and they are noting alike! Other than their appearances..."

I ignored their comments and hurried to my office. That rotten old man can be a handful when he's impatient. 

After I'm finally dismissed by Azar, I head back to my small but comfortable house in the middle of Sumeru city

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After I'm finally dismissed by Azar, I head back to my small but comfortable house in the middle of Sumeru city. 

Unlike my idiot of a brother, my financial situation is much better than his.

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