Chapter 35

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Christmas eve

"Keana, take your meds now." I heard their mom say after we finished supper.

"Okay mom." Keana said as she followed her mom to the living room to get her meds. She went back to the dining room and drink the medicine.

While looking at her, I have observed that she's skinny and somewhat pale unlike her brother's skin. I wonder what illness she's suffering.

I glanced at the empty chair Keana was sitting on earlier then saw Kellin with a frown on his face. Maybe he's kind of worried about his sister?

"Dani, why don't you take them to your room honey?" Mom told me.

"Sure." I smiled. "Come on! Let's watch movies!" I invited them and they immediately stood up. They followed my lead on our way to my room.

As I open the door, Keana kind of stumbled and her brother helped her immediately.

"Are you okay?" I worriedly asked her while I helped her stand.

"Yeah," she let out a breathe. "I am, I'm fine." She tried to smile.

I helped Kellin bring Keana to my bed and let her sit there for a while. Kellin's face was really unreadable. I don't know if he's mad or worried or sad or what. Or maybe all.

"Do you want to take a rest?" I asked her.

"No Danielle, I'm," she paused to breath. "perfectly fine."

"Keana, don't push yourself. Take a rest please." Kellin told his sister.

"No Kell-"

"Keana, take a rest for a while it's okay." I smiled at her.

"Please." Kellin pleas.

"Fine," she sighed. "But only for a while okay? I want to watch a movie."

"Sure. Take a nap first." I told her.

Kellin and I helped her lay down on my bed. We waited for her to fall asleep until we decided to leave her.

We went to the balcony and the cold December air instantly welcomed us. We looked up to the stars while leaning on the deck.

"Kellin, uh," I started, breaking the deafening silence causing him to face me. "Can I ask what's up with Keana?"

He sighed.

"Keana was diagnosed with a kidney disease last year. She took lots of medicines and had undergone to many treatments. Then she was cured. She continued taking her medicines because it was her doctor's recommendation. Then last week, exactly our birthday when we went to her doctor to have her regular check up when," he stopped for a minute. "we found out that her kidneys are getting weaker and weaker."

"The doctors couldn't tell why until they said that she would not live any longer but I always think it's my fault. I always blame myself because of that." His eyes were welling but he forced not to let a single tear fall.

"Why would you blame yourself Kellin? This is not your fault." I told him.

"I never took care of her Danielle. I never gave a damn about her. And now that I'm losing her, I'm losing my twin. I don't know what to do." He lowered his head.

"Kellin," I patted his back. "Maybe you never took care of her before, but I know you've been a good brother to her. Maybe you will lose her physically but the Lord will do impossible things. Please, never lose your faith." He looked at me with tears rolling down on his cheek.

"Thank you. Those words mean so much to me." He told me and wiped his tears.

"Welcome." I smiled.

"I think we should go back in there." Kellin said after a few minutes. I noded in agreement and went back to my room.


"Merry Christmas!" We all chanted together.

I kissed my mom and my dad on the cheek and they both did the same to me.

"Okay, it's time for exchange gifts!!" Mom said in a sing-song tone. "Danielle, go first. I walked to the tree and gave my gifts to them. Mom and Dad followed, so did Keana's family.

We said thank you and greeted a merry Christmas to each other.

Dad took out his camera and asked our maid to take a pictures of us. We smiled widely and posed our silly faces.

It was 3 in the morning when they went home.

I greeted mom and dad good night and went to my room to sleep.

After changing my clothes, I jumped on my bed felt something on my pillow so I sit up and saw a paper and pen inside the pillow case. I observed it for a while and it was a note from Keana.

Hi Danielle! Thank you for letting me rest here in your room for a while. I'm sure Kellin already told you my situation. People sometimes enter your life without permission and sometimes you let them out of your life or them come out of your life. In our case, I would come out of your life soon. So don't let people out of your life because they might voluntarily come out of your life soon, too. Nice meeting you Danielle! Merry Christmas. - Keana

I don't know what to feel, honestly. I barely know Keana and so she does to me but those words. It hitted me hard. Those words are ruining me right now. Right at this point, on my bed. It's slowly killing me.

Don't let people out of your life because they might voluntarily come out of your life soon.

Best friends.

I am letting them out of my life, I want them out of my life but I don't want them to voluntarily come out of my life.

Why am I so fucked up?

I set aside my thoughts and placed Keana's note on my bedside table. I lied down and closed my eyes.

I miss you, Hemmings.



"Thanks for the night Luke." Alyssa said. "My brother and I really appreciated your invitation."

"It's nothing, babe." I told her.

"Wait, did you just said babe?" She said with a wide grin.

"Yeah, what's the matter?" I smiled cockily.

"Nothing, babe." She said, emphasizing the word babe. "Oh, we got to go now though. It's already late."

"Yeah, it's okay babe." I kissed the cheek before they left. I waved them good bye.

I went straight to my room and lied down on my bed.

What could be Danielle doing right now? Did her Christmas eve went well? How is she coping in the Philippines?

Forget her Luke. Forget her.

How can I forget her? How?

This chapter is dedicated to my lost friend, Keana Gustilo, who died last January 25, 2015. We miss you Kea, I know you're in a happy place right now. Thank you for being so awesome.
okay hiiiii guys!! im sorry this is such a late and short update sigh im so fucked up right now my life's such a mess and my "lovelife" is so fucking complicated right now i dont know how i got into this shit double sigh. I LOVE YOU GUYS!! STAY AWESOME.

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