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OK guys from this chapter it's gonna be in flashback



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We see a huge mansion where you can get almost every luxurious thing which people can only dream of but ,the real question is does only luxurious life can give you happiness?

In one room there was two kids who was studying more like the first kid was teaching the other one

Boy: "why can't you do it properly. I have already thought you more like 10 times but still you are getting nothing. "

Girl : "I don't understand history book. It makes no sense to me.How can anybody like this subject." (She said making weird faces.)

Boy : Sona ...if you don't study this you gonna be fail in exam. (he said with sigh)

Girl : "ugh! I wish I was born intelligent like you sid . It would be easy for me."( She said with pout making him chuckle.)

Sid : "you can be if you will focus on study little more and stop eating so much junk foods it's not good for your health." (He said the last with stern voice .)

Sona: "but sidie I love to eat this ". (She said innocently )

Sid: "there are lots of other things to eat too sona, so stop eating this all day okay!"(she nodded)

(He watched his wrist watch and said) "it's already time I need to go and tomorrow I want you to finish your chapters."

She nodded obediently and he left for his home. She too stand up cheerfully and smile, finally she's free from this boaring study .

She doesn't like to study especially history. It makes her feel sleepy. She's weak in study thats why her father tell sid to teach her.

with excitement she run downstair to play in gardenwhich have swings and cycle. But in a middle she bumped with someone hard making her fall down.

Instead of lifting her up that person stare her with red eyes

Lady :" can't you see properly where you are going Huh? You are such a trouble maker". (She shout on her making that poor girl cry. )

Sona :" m-mom I'm sor-rry I didn't saw you. Please don't be ang-gry". (She said while crying.)

So the lady is sona's mom. Her name would be Aparna singhaniya.

Aparna : " stop crying. Just go from here before I do something with you. OUT!". (She literally scream on her making sona run from their while crying.)

Servants feel pity for her but can't do anything. They all went habitual of this. They never saw Aparna talking politely to her like other mothers do. She always scold her.

Her unconditional love for him  Where stories live. Discover now