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She came home from school and was about to go her room when Her father stop her in midway

"Sona come here! I need to talk to you".

He said with serious voice making her nervous

She slowly went there and settled herself in couch in front of her father and Her mom was also there, shooting daggers towards her making her more nervous which she already was .

His father broke the silence

"I got a call from your teacher".

it made her body stiff and that time she knew there is no escape from this situation but she was sacred to think what will be their reactions especially of her mom.

"Will you explain why you are not studying properly , and you started lying too?  Unbelievable!"

He said with dissapointment making her feel pathetic

Before she could say anything her mother interrupted

"Raj what you even expect from this girl. She's nothing but a shame. Don't you know She's so expert in lying .its nothing new for her. ".

she said spitting fire from her mouth making the poor soul heart break

"Aparna she's a child don't use this kind of words for her. I know what she did was not good but don't be too harsh on her. She's our daughter for God's sake ".

He said calmly but it made aparna blood boil

"She's not my child. She's a killer of my son. Shes curse in my life which I'm bearing just because of you. So, Don't expect much from me."

she said spitting venom. How can any mother can be cruel towards her own child.

"Stop saying her that. I know whatever happen shouldn't be happened in first place but we can't change the past. Moreover... I also feel the pain of my son's death but that doesn't mean we need to blame her all the time ".

He also shout

"You also know that she killed him that's why you too distance yourself from her and she doesn't deserve anyone's poiltness  and soon you will also realize why she deserve hate . I'm literally warning you this girl will bring nothing but a shame because she's a curse and a freaking killer".

Her each word was piercing someone soul .

With that she left from there angrily making Raj sigh. He too left from there leaving poor soul broken who was sitting there with her head hung low.

Her tears were not ready to stop.
It was traumatizing for her the way she was receiving hate from her own parents.

It's making her feel worthless. Even her father blame her. She thought atleast her father would believe on her but after listening she was sure that he too don't trust on her.

Her unconditional love for him  Where stories live. Discover now