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"Where is the other one from your troubled trio?" My eyebrows raise at Alonso's question.

"Excuse me, troubled trio?" I cross my arms over my chest, glaring at the wannabe pimp lookalike. "One, we are not troubled — well I'm not — and two, we are not a trio." I scoff, but yelp when a hand pinches my thigh. I look up at Gunner to see him throwing me a warning glare, his eyes telling me if I open my mouth one more time I'm gonna get it.

I smile.

"What is she, Gunner? One of your whores? Because she does seem to be around a lot and I don't see you giving any of your other bar staff this treatment?" Alonso crosses his left leg over his right knee and leans further back into his chair.

"I'm his favourite. Can't you tell? Only princess treatment around here for me." I bat my eyelashes and then look to Gunner who can't hold back his amusement, even though I can tell he is trying hard to. "Are you jealous, Alonso? We can get you a tiara if you want so you don't feel left out." Alonso does not look amused one bit, but his two guard dogs standing behind him are biting back a smile, however the one on the left bursts out laughing.

"Reign your bitch in, Gunner." Alonso snarls and the whole room goes quiet. The muscular body of Gunner, sitting next to me tenses and I nibble on my bottom lip as he slowly stands up, brushing down his designer suit jacket.

"This is the second time you've turned up unannounced, and it's also the second time you've called Delilah out of her name. I don't like that." Jesus.

Gunner looks about ready to murder right now and am I turned on?


"Did you get my present, Delilah?" My brows furrow and I shake my head. "Oh, that's right. Your little guard dogs have moved you out. Smart move." A sense of dread enters my body. He knows where I live and he went there. He probably would have killed me if Gunner hadn't moved me into his and Mason's penthouse.

If only I had kept my mouth shut.

Oh well.

No time to dwell.

"You see, Gunner. Little Delilah over there is now involved in any business I have for you and your crew. So you better add another to the pay list or we can arrange a funeral. It's your choice." Alonso shrugs with pursed lips and my heart pounds against my rib cage.

"Woah, Woah, Woah. Hey now, LoLo, we don't need to do that." I hold my hands up and Gunner facepalms himself. "I'm not about whatever life your living," I explain to him and he smiles, before chuckling.

"Is that so?" I frantically nod my head, hoping he'll let me be on my way and back to pouring mojitos. "You're not about that life, because you're running from it aren't you? How many years were you going to get back in your home in England?" I think I almost just shit myself.

How on God's green earth does this man know about my past?

"Money laundering, fraud, the list goes on. You even conned a billionaire who is now out to kill you, am I right?" I swallow hard, ignoring the eyes of Gunner drilling into my head. "Yeah, not as innocent as you look."

"Well now the dog is out the bag —" I turn to finally look into the sea blue eyes of Gunner, "I had my reasonings. I swear I haven't killed anyone."

His eyes slowly close and he bends down to whisper into my ear. "You and I have a lot of talking to do, later on, angel face. And it's cat, not dog." I return his words with a sheepish smile.

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