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"Stop staring at me like that." Delilah huffs, igniting a smirk from me because I take huge satisfaction in winding her up. And she's very easy to wind up. "Mason, stop!" She whines, throwing her head back against the back of the sofa.

It's late, around two in the morning. Gunner like the old ass he is has already gone to bed, claiming he's got to be up early in the morning to deal with something. Something dodgy probably.

I convinced Delilah to stay up and watch a movie with me. This time she finally watched the whole thing with me. She's sitting on the opposite side of the sofa in a set of silk pyjamas, which I can't lie, has had me hard throughout the whole movie. Her soft brown legs are on display and I admit my eyes were more on them than the screen in front of me.

And her face.

The way she'd smile so gently at the funny scenes and then frown at the sad scenes. Never in my thirty-two years of existence did I think I'd ever find someone so mesmerising as I'm finding Delilah.

It's safe to say, I'm well and truly fucked whenever it involves her because now every time she lays those deep brown eyes on me I get this stupid feeling in my belly. But she likes Gunner. No surprise there. Gunner does things effortlessly. The way he is with her, I'm not surprised she's so smitten with him.

I want her to like me the way she likes Gunner. Sometimes I want to be that person that she trusts and can turn to. Not just Gunner. If any of my family heard me say that, I wouldn't hear the end of it.

"Mason, I'll gauge your eyes out." Her soft voice pulls me out of my trance and I shrug.

"Kinky." I tease, causing her to roll her eyes and throw one of her fluffy pillows at me. I dodge it with ease and instead of throwing it back, I place it down on my lap. "You can rest your head here if you'd like." Her perfectly shaped brows raise to the high heavens and because I've said it, she's definitely taken it the wrong way.

If Gunner had said she could rest her head on his lap, her head would already be on that pillow.

"What I'm trying to say is, you can rest your head on my lap in a non-sexual way." I say slowly, smililing and for the first time around me, she gives a genuine smile.

"I'm wide awake for some reason. I don't want to sleep." She shrugs, hugging her legs to her chest and I swallow hard.

"You wanna go for a drive?" I tilt my head and watch her think about it for a second. "We can go to a McDonald's drive-thru." I tempt her and straight away she stands up.

"Lemme go change real quick." The patter of her feet on the marble floor sounds down the hallway and I smile to myself, my heart racing for some crazy reason.

I stand up and grab my car keys and wait for Delilah by the door. A couple of minutes pass by and she's walking out in an oversized jumper and joggers. "You look cosy," I smirk and she opens her arms up and does a little twirl.

"I know." She beams her arms still wide open and I take the opportunity to grab a hold of her waist and throw the angel over my shoulder. "Mason!" She exclaims.

"Shhh! You'll wake up Gunner and he's already a grumpy fuck." I squeeze her thigh and I know I'm not dreaming when I hear a soft moan. Fucking hell, Delilah. I squeeze her leg again, just wanting to hear that angelic noise one more time.

"Mason put me down." She says breathlessly and I walk over to the lift, pressing the button.

I only put her down when we reached my car which is sitting in the underground car park right next to Gunner's. 

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