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"Shit, shit, shit. Fuck. Fuck my fucking life!" I hiss, pressing my back against a wall, trying to control my breathing.

"Delilah." The taunting voice of Damien penetrates my ear and I only just about hear it.

I clutch onto the bullet wound embedded in my stomach, a shaky breath leaving my lips as I stare at my shaky hand covered in crimson blood.

"Fuck." I moan, my eyes clenching shut as the adrenaline begins to wear off and the pain becomes more apparent.

I really hope that my men and Gabriella got away safely.


One hour earlier

Damien throws me a questionable stare, looking behind me, expecting his man to come out except he's dead and for good reason.

"Since when did you become a little assassin?" He smirks and I feel Gunner's glare hitting the side of my face like a baseball bat.

"Your men need putting in their place, I can see where they get that trait from." I shrug, ignoring the tight grip Gunner has on my thigh. "He's dead." Might as well get it out in the open.

"Well, you know what they say, an eye for an eye." Damien's gaze falls to my right where Mason is sitting and I swallow hard. He pulls out his own gun from his pocket and aims it right at him.

My breathing picks up.

"What do you think, Delilah? Should I shoot the little shit you call a boyfriend?"

"Hey now. That's not nice." Mason tuts, unfazed like there isn't a loaded gun aimed right at his face. And then he signs 'piece of shit' to him and my face warms and I smile. That's what I signed to him when we hated the hell out of each other.

The longer I stare at him, the more I realise, I couldn't live with myself if he died. A world without Mason is a world I don't want to live in, even if this is the last time we'll be together.

And a life without Gunner? Another reason to save them both.

I pull the gun from the holster around my thigh and surprise Damien when I aim it at him. For a second, his hard exterior drops, his eyes showcasing worry as he sees the weapon access I've managed to get.

"Put the gun down." I grit, releasing the safety. Damien ignores me and releases his safety.

"Let them go and I'll willingly go with you. You want me right?" Damien chuckles, not letting the gun down any time soon.

"You think if I let them go, they won't come looking for you?" He raises a brow and my jaw clenches as multiple guns are now aimed at us.

It's one against at least twenty. If I shoot him now, we're all dead.

I lower my gun.

"Wise girl. Obedience will sell for a lot of money." He smirks and I feel Gunner start to shake next to me, and the next thing I know, he's snatched the gun out of my hand and shot Damien right in the shoulder.

"Gunner!" I exclaim, the three of us dropping to the ground to shield ourselves from the multiple gunshots being fired around the room. "You fucking idiot!" I hiss, snatching the gun away from him.

"That was a cheap shot." Mason pipes up, pulling out a gun from the inside of his suit jacket. My eyes bulge.

"You're telling me,"— I hiss at him, pointing a finger in his face. "You had a gun this whole time."

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