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Chapter 50

4 months later

"Happy birthday, baby," I whisper, leaning down to kiss Mason's forehead. He's lost quite a bit of weight and as each day goes by, he looks less and less like himself.

Today is his thirty-third birthday, and we're all in his room celebrating for him because he can't. He's still in a coma and by now we're almost certain that he will never wake up and by next week we'll have to make the hardest decision of our life.

To take him off life support.

My hand rests on my massive belly. Maisie is ready to pop soon and it's killing me that Mason won't be here to witness it.

"Got you your favourite cake," I whisper. "But Myra and Myles seem to be eating it all." I smile to myself, sitting on the edge of his bed.

Miller is being comforted by Callie and his parents. I feel bad for him, he thought he lost Mason one time before and now we're in a situation where we could lose him for real.

Gunner makes his way over to me and stands next to us with a solemn look.

"How you feeling today, sweet girl?" He whispers gently, reaching down to gently stroke my face.

"I'm fine." Is all I can say, fiddling with my fingers. "Help me up," I grunt and he takes my hands helping me up from my seated position.

"You're so gorgeous." He smirks, placing his hands on my belly. Over the months I think Gunner has developed an obsession with me being pregnant and I'm pretty sure after Maisie arrives he'll waste no time in putting another inside of me.

"Gunner, my belly is fat, my feet are swollen, I'm sweating like no tomorrow and you think I'm gorgeous." I roll my eyes, but Gunner is having none of it.

"Hey." He grasps my face in one big hand. "I mean it. You're so fucking gorgeous, always will be to me."

"You know when I was about to give birth to the twins, my feet swelled up like crazy," Callie adds eyeing up my bare feet which were luckily manicured not so long ago.

"Really?" I tilt my head, trying to find my feet but my belly sticks out so far I can't say shit.

"Mmm." She hums, analysing me and it puts me on edge slightly. Maisie isn't due for at least another week, but Callie's face right now is telling me otherwise.

"Yeah, she's coming." Callie nods, placing a hand on her hip. "I'll call the midwife and get the room set up."

"Callie, my waters haven't even broken." I protest, holding my hands up. "Let's not jump to conclusions."

After I've just finished that sentence water starts to trickle down my legs. Holy shit. Oh, my fuck!

I start to hyperventilate.

Oh my God, I'm about to push a baby out of my vagina!

"Delilah, you gotta calm down," Gunner says soothingly and my eyes bulge.

"Calm down?! You want me to calm down?!" I hiss, my heart ready to explode out of my chest. "Gunner, our daughter has decided she wants to fucking show up now! They're gonna have the same birthday! She's gonna be a Mason, I just know it. How are we going to cope?" I panic and Gunner stares down at me in amusement.

A contraction ripples through me and I clutch onto Gunner's toned forearm. His eyes shift behind me to where Mason is lying and his mouth drops open.

"Holy fucking shit!" He chokes out and I spin around, my mouth dropping in shock.

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