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God, I'm a fucking idiot.

I feel like I'm losing my mind as of right now and I'm on my way to spiralling out of control any minute. Earlier on today I received the one thing that's going to create the biggest shit-storm.

And now the three of us have all blown up at one another and it just keeps getting worse. Guilt consumes me at the way I spoke to Mason and Delilah, but the stress is getting to me and I don't do well with situations where the people I love are at risk of getting hurt.

I stand in the middle of the Casino, the purple neon nights reflecting around the room and my eyes stare down at the floor made of black glass, my reflection staring back at me. I look miserable. Then my phone rings adding onto my frustrations and my jaw clenches.

I lift the phone to my ear not bothering to see the caller ID. It's not someone I'm going to like anyway. I wait for them to speak first. "You get my invite?" The accented voice speaks menacingly into my ear and I walk over to the bar, nodding for Jacob to give me the usual. "You should know I don't take well to my invitations being declined. It upsets me."

Jacob places the auburn liquid in front of me and I take it, gulping the whole lot in one go, the burn welcoming down my throat.

"And I don't take well to threats, Damien. So what the fuck do you want?" He has the audacity to chuckle and my hand tightens so tight around the glass that it cracks. Jacob's eyes widen and he takes it, throwing me a napkin and a cautious stare to go with it.

"So you are aware of me, huh? Well, then you'll know, Gunner, you have something of mine and I'd like it back." I smirk, chuckling to myself. Jacob pours me another one, raising a brow to ask if I'm okay. I nod, downing the second glass just as fast as the first.

"I don't recall owning anything of yours." I shrug.

"She's a pretty little thing. Knows how to dig her claws into you before she decides to steal from you and betray you. She'll do the same to you." I scoff. "I'll take her off your hands, and save you the headache in the future." Oh, she gives me a headache alright, but I wouldn't want it any other way. That's my girl and no matter how much she winds me up sometimes, my love for her is only going to grow stronger.

"I'm going to do something that's going to upset you now, unfortunately. I'm going to decline your invitation. I can send a box of tissues to you as a sorry. You'll need something to dry your eyes." I rasp, spotting Mason in the mirror that sits behind the many spirits behind the bar. He's storming over to me and he looks pissed.

Good. I need to let off some steam before I go fucking crazy.

"Wrong move, Gunner." And then the phone cuts off and I throw the phone onto the table waiting for Mason's outburst.

"Why the fuck would you hide this?!" He throws the black envelope onto the table next to my phone, jumping onto the seat next to me. He ignores the women around him, fluttering their eyelashes at him like some kind of mating call and keeps his glare set on me.

I don't look directly at him. I just keep my gaze on the mirror, staring at the strong angle of his jaw and the angry glint in his deep brown eyes.

"I only found out earlier today." I shrug.

"I don't give a shit if you found a minute ago, Gunner. You tell us this shit, not have us argue and then I have to find out like this." He hisses, pointing an angry finger at me and then at the black envelope. "Now Delilah is God knows where and we're all on bad terms because you've decided to befriend Rosie for whatever reason."

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