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I fucking wish.

That's my current kill count and it's been two hours since I killed Jerry. Gunner and Mason should have been here at least an hour ago and I have no idea where the hell Damien is hiding.

I'm exhausted and on the brink of collapsing, hence why I'm sitting alone in some random room while I try and figure out my next moves. It's not until I hear gunshots that the adrenaline that left my body suddenly returns.

My heart thrashes violently against my chest and my eyes burn with tears. I'm trying my hardest to stay strong but the longer Damien stays alive the weaker I get.

The gunshots come to a sharp halt and then I catch on to the sound of a body dropping to the ground. It's so quiet you could hear a pin drop and my hands start to become clammy. My eyes are glued to the door just waiting for someone to burst through. I checked for cameras and surprisingly this room had none, that doesn't mean that Damien isn't aware of the rooms in this place.

My gun is held out in front of me ready to shoot whoever is on the other side of the door. My finger hovers over the trigger and I try to steady my shaking hand. The gold, circular door handle slowly turns and I trap my trembling bottom lip between my teeth.

The door is pushed open and I let out the biggest sob, the gun dropping from my bloody hands to the floor with a harsh thud and my entire body relaxes, my eyes clenching shut.

I drop to my knees and just cry.

Two large figures crouch down beside me and their massive arms wrap around my body.

"It's okay, Angel Face." Another cry leaves my mouth at the sound of Gunner's voice and I clutch on tight to his tattooed forearms. "We've got you."

He presses a firm kiss on the side of my head, waiting for me to calm down.

"We followed the trail of dead bodies," Mason speaks out awkwardly and I laugh and cry at the same time. "Not very good at covering your tracks, baby."



"Shut the fuck up," I say and then throw my arms around him. "I've missed your annoying self so much," I whisper, tightening my arms and feeling him wrap his arms around my body.

"I've missed you too." He speaks out, his voice cracking.

I pull out of his hold and turn to Gunner who looks nothing like his usual self. I can't imagine the stress they've been under. "I've missed you too," I tell him and he smiles gently, opening his arms up for me and I will never turn down the opportunity to be wrapped up in his large, warm arms.

"You have no idea how much I've missed you, baby. How fucking scared we were." He rasps, swaying us gently and I close my eyes, resting the side of my head against his chest. "I love you so fucking much, Delilah."

"I love you," I whisper before pulling back.

I take a second to observe them, being used to seeing them in suits, it's refreshing to see them in plain black t-shirts and cargo trousers and I'd be lying if I said it doesn't make me horny. I'm blaming the hormones.



Oh shit.

"I need to tell you both something."

"Wait, let me guess first." Mason holds his finger up and I stare at him with a deadpan expression.

He can't be serious right now?

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