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(DOUBLE UPDATE don't forget to read chapter 43 first x)

"She looks to be five weeks, sir." My breathing is shallow as I take a peak at the image on the ultrasound. My eyes burn with tears, they're so tiny but I can see it. The little dot is no bigger than the size of an orange seed, but it's enough to make me want to protect it.

Damien lowers down and squints at the screen his jaw clenched when he sees my baby. Something is in his eyes as he looks at the ultrasound, he's on a whole different planet as he continues to stare at it. And he stares... for five whole minutes.

"Take the pill, Delilah." He finally breaks the awkward silence but keeps his eyes focused on the small squared screen. I take one glance at the white pill, my hands automatically reaching up to touch my stomach. I shake my head even though he's not paying me any attention because he is far too interested in something else. "Don't make me ask you again, mi amor or I'll force it down your throat myself."


Finally, he shifts his eyes away from the screen and straightens his back, his jaw ticking. "What'd you mean, no? Did you think I gave you an option, Delilah because I did not?"

His hand reaches out and he grabs my face harshly, squeezing my cheeks together. Damien snarls down at me and leans down so he is now face to face with me. He just stares with so much hatred swimming in his eyes it's almost blinding. But I don't care that he hates me, I'm not here to be friends with him. I want... no I need to kill him.

"Take the pill." I shake my head. "Take the fucking pill!" He shouts in my face and I clench my eyes shut. His hold on my face loosens slightly.

"No." I continue to defy. "No, no, no!" And then a sharp sting resonates through my face as he slaps me on the cheek, hard.

Damien then picks up the small white pill between his fingers and tries to force my mouth open. I'm trying to clamp my mouth as tight as possible but when he yanks my hair back with his other hand, I yelp in pain and he takes the opportunity to shove the pill in my mouth, forcing it shut by keeping his hand tucked under my chin. 

"Swallow." My eyes sting with tears as I feel the pill resting like an intruder on my tongue. "Fucking do it!" I swallow, letting the tears stream down my face.

"Open your mouth." I open it, glaring at him through squinted eyes.

Damien smiles in satisfaction and finally releases me with a rough push, my head snapping to the side.

"Take her back to her room. I'll deal with her later."

The doctor nods his head and leads me toward the door. Before we leave I cast a glance at Damien who has gone back to looking at the picture of my baby, his fists clenched tight by his sides.

As soon as I'm alone back in my room, I walk over to the bin and spit the pill out.

"Piece of shit," I mumble.


"Welcome to your new home," Jerry says smugly as he shoves me into the damp-smelling basement. My mouth opens in shock at all the young fragile girls lying on the floor with nothing but a thin piece of cloth to cover their malnourished bodies. I'd say there are at least thirty girls in here, way too many to get out on my own but I'll try.

Most of the girls are asleep, others are crying together, huddled in a small corner, probably to keep each other warm. My heart aches for them.

"Kind of hope you die in this place." Jerry pipes up and I raise my eyebrows.

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