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"You haven't said a word since we stepped foot in this hospital." Gunner pulls me out of my staring contest with a kid who is more a less glaring at me from the opposite side of the waiting room

He sticks his tongue out and I scoff giving him the middle finger. Little shit. My children will never.

"Mas!" Gunner nudges me and I huff.

No secrets. No secrets.

"That guy," I whisper so no one around us will hear that we've just been on a killing spree. "He's a cop." I wince.

"WHAT?" Gunner exclaims, startling everyone in the room. I apologise on his behalf with a tight smile, but all I get are glares and displeased faces in return.

"Calm." I hiss, trying to keep my cool. "We're going to have another target on our back. Will keep us busy I guess." I shrug, receiving another glare from the little shit. Where is his mother?

"Keep us busy? Keep us busy?! Mason, I want the three of us to have one God damn normal day for once." Gunner huffs, hunching forward with his elbows perched on his knees. "One normal fucking day." My eyes observe Gunner and it's only now I notice how tired and stressed he is.

I can take this kind of shit and brush it off the next day without a care in the world, but Gunner... he's the very opposite. He stresses. He overthinks. And mostly, he worries he's going to lose people who mean the most to him.

"We'll figure it out, Gunner. We always do." I place my hand on his leg and squeeze gently.

"Mason, everything is getting out of hand right now. It's one thing after the other. We've got Alonso and Damien breathing down our necks, and now we've 'finished' a fucking cop." He whisper yelled the last one being careful with his words.

I snort.

"You think this is funny?"

"Mmm, kind of." I shrug.

Gunner nod's his head and then his face hardens. Oh shit.

"Family meeting as soon as we get home."

I groan, sticking my finger up at the young boy again when he starts to blow raspberries.


"Give me a kiss." I throw myself on top of Delilah. She was fine and has been discharged from the hospital. Gunner is still wary that she's not okay, so if he saw me laying on top of her right now, he'd probably kill me too.

My girl peppers my face in kisses and I release a satisfied sigh, burying my face into her neck as she wraps herself around me like a baby koala bear. "Love you." She whispers.

"Mmm, love you, baby." I hum, basking in all of the affection she's giving me. "You got your hearing aid in?" My girl's brows furrow and she pulls her head back to look me in the eyes.

"Yeah, why?"

I can already hear Gunner's footsteps making his way to our bedroom.

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