Chapter 30

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"Appu...." Arya's voice came as a gasp "Appu... Good, you picked up. I was...I...." There was something wrong with her voice. She was breathing too hard, like panting. "I...think I am in trouble. Big trouble. I think I am dying." She blurted out. "I think I am going to really die....Appu."

I grabbed the phone from Adi's hands. "Arya... What's wrong?"

"I am going to die," she repeated.

"Where are you?" I gasped, panicked. She did not sound right. She went just silent. "Arya," I called again. To my shock, she began to giggle. "This is just fucked up," she said. "I will die like that."

"Can you tell me what happened?" I asked a bit annoyed now. She calls me out of nowhere and tells me she is dying and not say anything.

"I ate something. And my heart is beating like crazy.... I think I am having an attack. I may be overdosing or something...." She said. "Darshan gave me drugs.... LCD.... What the hell is that called?"

I jumped up. What the actual...hell!!!!

"Arya?" I yelled at the phone.

"Darshan is passed out.... I.... can't walk. My heartbeat is high. And I don't feel well. I feel bad. Very, very bad...Appu...." She has never addressed me so affectionately....

"God. Arya, where are you?" I asked, desperate. I wanted to make sure she is okay. To have her in my arms immediately at this very moment. And I could murder Darshan, with my bare hands.

"I am going to die, Appu..." Arya whispered very cutely and earnestly to the phone.

"Tell me where you are," I said. "I will come there."

"Darshan's house."

Of course.

Wait... Darshan's house? At this time? I checked the time. It was past midnight... It was like someone shot my heart. I took a sharp breath in. First things first. Arya was in danger. "Okay... drink water. Lots of it. Can you do that for me, babe?" I asked. "Please...." But she went silent. "Arya?" I called. "Arya?" No reply. The phone was still on. She must have passed out.

Fear gripped me tightly. She is okay, right? She will be, right....

"Nikhil...." Adi touched my hand.

"I need to get to Bangalore. Now...." I told him.

"What happened...."

"I just...." I moved my hand through my hair. I remembered Soumya. I remembered Arjun... Not Arya. Not my Arya....

"I need to get to Bangalore now. As soon as possible." I yelled at Adi.

"Hey, Relax. We can check for flight tickets. Something must be available."

It was Nikhil. Nikhil was at the door. I sat up on the bathroom floor. The bathroom smelled of my vomit. My clothes had vomit stains.


Nikhil cannot see me like this.

"You give her drugs...." Nikhil asked Darshan with anger, so much anger that I was not sure Nikhil was ever capable of. Before I could register, Nikhil punched Darshan in the face. Darshan stumbled back... Nikhil did not stop and came forward and pushed Darshan down and punched him again. I got up and went to the door of the bathroom.

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