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Olivia had gotten an extended invite from Breana and Katie to join them (and the band) again the next night. They were going to some club, Olivia vaguely remembers them saying it was named after an animal - zebra, maybe? - and she had immediately agreed.

She was someone who enjoyed going out - the whole ritual of doing your makeup, picking out an outfit and talking to people all night without much thought about what you're saying. Though, the fact she was tipsy may have had a part to play in her accepting so quickly. They exchanged numbers at Lucy's birthday party and the next day she received a text from Breana with an address attached (as well as 'it was super nice meeting you yesterday').

She wore something a little less distracting this time ; she chose a simple black long sleeve dress with matching black knee high socks (it was January and she wasn't about to go out bare legged). Throwing on a simple black blazer coat she left the house and caught a taxi to the address.

As she arrived and exited the taxi she saw that Alex was stood outside, his leather jacket on - the collar popped up around his neck. What a poser, she thought.

Whilst she didn't agree to come to to see Alex, she really did want to see Katie and Breana again, she had hoped that he'd be there. The conversation that they had last night, and the unresolved tension between them, was playing on her mind.

She had thought, that maybe if he was here tonight, he might be in a nicer mood - or that it would at least give her the opportunity to change his opinion of her (which from her perspective wasn't good).

He was already looking at her as she sent a small smile towards him. She began to walk over but as soon as he saw her approaching he called over to her, "They're all inside already, I'll meet you in there."

She rolled her eyes but nodded anyway. She began to walk over to the doorway but as she began to enter the bouncer stopped her, sticking his arm out to block the entrance, "It's guest list only, if your not on here." He says tapping his clipboard, "your not getting in."

Alex heard this and curiously watched from his spot, leaning against the wall of the club. He knew that she'd be able to get in without being invited, she could talk her way into access - one flash of her smile and he wouldn't be able to turn her away. She was someone who didn't need to be invited, she could get in on looks alone.

However the temptation to let everyone know that she was with him was to much to resist, "She's with me." He told the bouncer and, after a quick discussion, Alex nodded his head for her to follow him.

Olivia followed him as he walked ahead of her, "You didn't have to do that." She hadn't even gotten a chance to try and get in before Alex swooped in and she didn't want him to feel like he had done her a favour - she knew that he'd constantly bring it up as 'that one time that he did something nice'. She wanted to make sure he knew that she didn't need his help.

He turned around, both of them were now stood in the entrance hallway, people were walking past them in and out, as told her, "I didn't want to be stood around all night waiting for you to get in, it was just quicker if I handled it."

Olivia rolled her eyes at his attitude, "You could just admit that you were doing something nice, you know?" She teased with a smug smile.

He scoffed, "It's wasn't nice, it was convenient."

She shrugged and smiled at him, "Well, thank you anyway." She knew that if she had gotten annoyed at him, which she was, that it would just give him a reason to hate her. By being nice it would either make him feel guilty or give him no option but to at least be civil with she. Kill them with kindness, as they say.

Mad Sounds,     Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now