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Just like he said he would Alex was playing Olivia one of their new songs - 'I Wanna Be Yours'. Whilst he knew he was singing it about her the lyrics originally came from a poem, one of Alex's inspirations John Copper Clarke, so he knew she'd never be able to tell.

They were sat on Olivia's sofa, she was sat crossed legged as she listened - he had connected his phone to one of her speakers. He watched her in anticipation, her head swayed along and he could tell she was intently listening to the lyrics.

When it was finished she smiled a wide Cheshire Cat grin, "Alexander!", She complained using the names that they now had for each other - she could see him cringe at the name, "This song is so good, you've got to be ducking kidding me."

He smiled at her reaction, almost shyly.

"Is it about Arielle?" Olivia asked teasingly. Alex and Arielle weren't official yet but they would kiss on nights out and Arielle stayed glued to his side so everyone knew that they were together.

He just shrugged not wanted to lie but - he couldn't bring himself to say it was when he knew it was about someone else. She took this as his way of saying yes, so she smiled - happy that he was happy. He wondered if she would still like it if she knew it was about her.

"Will you play it again?" She asked and he did. His voice filling the living room once more. This time she could just enjoy the rhythm as she tapped her fingers on her leg. When it finished for the second time she smiled at him and said, "This is my new favourite song."

It seemed like Alex's world revolved around Olivia - his tonights consisted of her, if she was going out he'd be there, if she asked him to do something he'd do it. Even his new relationship was because of her, she had introduced him to Arielle and he began dating her because he couldn't have Olivia.

It felt like ever since he had started dating Arielle Olivia had been extra flirty - a cruel mind game of teasing him. He could've just been imagining things but he was sure that her eyes would linger on his for a moment longer than usual.

Her had told her he'd take her to the bar they were meeting at since she mentioned taking a taxi. He wasn't in the mood to drink anyway. Since it was now September the sun began to set earlier. Olivia sat in the passenger seat - badly singing along to the radio as she bobbed her head - the sun setting behind her. She blocked the sun but Alex was more focused on the way the light shone from behind her, igniting her in a haze of gold.

Arielle was already there when they had arrived, wrapping her arms around Alex's neck and pecking him on the lips. Olivia awkwardly stood behind Alex and when Arielle pulled away she gave Olivia a quick hug.

Ever since Alex and Arielle had made it official she had been making sure everyone knew - whilst Olivia knew it was normal, the 'honeymoon' stage, it still repulsed her slightly.

"Get me a drink?" She asked Alex, who nodded, and she smiled at him and Arielle before going to find everyone else.

Olivia enjoyed Miles a lot - she felt that they were quite similar in the fact that they were extroverted and slightly hyper and it was extremely easy to talk to him. He gave her a hug and she sat down next to him. They began a conversation but it didn't last long because Katie and Breana were dragging Olivia to the bathroom.

When neither of them went to actually use the toilet Olivia looked at them with furrowed brows, "Are we just standing in here for fun?" She joked though with the slight possibility of that actually being the case she looked at them wearily.

"Do you find it a bit weird?" Katie asked.

"You've got to be more specific." Olivia said in utter confusion.

Mad Sounds,     Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now