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The door clicked behind her and she anxiously looked around, listening out for any movement. She heard nothing and proceeded to look around - peering around doors. Liam wasn't in the living room or kitchen despite the lights being on so Olivia finally went down the corridor and checked in the bedroom.

He had a bag placed in the bed as he put theory's inside. She knew he that he was ignoring her when he didn't look at her but heard him sigh when she opened the bedroom door.

"Why are you packing?" She quietly asked.

"I saw that Alex drove you home." He muttered. He had stopped folding the t-shirt he was holding and sighed as he looked at her.

Olivia sat down cautiously, "Well, you were kind of meant to be my ride." She said quietly and as a joke but he simply gave her a look and she gave him a small smile, rubbing her neck "I'm sorry, too soon."

Liam shook his head before he asked, "Why would he invite us to that?"

Olivia shrugged before defending him, "He apologised for it."

"That's the least he can do." Liam clipped. He had grabbed two pairs of jeans that remained in the wardrobe and zipped up the bag. "He still likes you." He told her.

Olivia sighed and admitted, "I know."

Liam finally looked at her - as expressionless as ever as he asked, "Do you like him?"

She didn't know what to say - she wasn't sure if she did like him. She hadn't had enough time think about things and it felt like it was all happening too fast. Though, she couldn't deny it either. She knew that whatever she felt for Alex it was a lot stronger then what she felt towards Liam. So she sat there in silence looking down at her hands.

"Your more concerned about me liking Alex then me not liking you. Why does I have to come down to another guy? Why can't me not being happy just be enough?" She stated in annoyance.

The only time Liam showed interest in her was when it was about Alex. He wasn't concerned about losing her, he just didn't like that another guy might be better than him.

"You two deserve each other. Your both fucking manipulative psychos." Liam scoffed throwing the bag over his shoulder. He threw his key into the bed and Olivia didn't even attempt to stop him from leaving.

Usually there's a mourning period after a breakup (or at least that's what she's heard) but she didn't feel upset when Liam left. Instead she felt almost free, like she was stuck when she was with him. She knew you weren't meant to feel better after a breakup but yet she did.

Now that the album was out she decided to listen to it again, this time with a clear mind and without Alex in the room. She had gotten the lyrics up as the songs played and paused them each time she needed time to think.

Once she had listened to it three times she felt like she had gotten a good understanding of how she felt. She thought it would be a good time to call Alex but the she heard someone knock on the door.

"Oh, I was just going to call you." She confessed when she saw Alex stood on the other side, a sheepish smile on his face.

Alex had been up all night. He was worried about Olivia, mad at Liam and angry at himself.

He was being selfish inviting Olivia to the release party - he was fully aware of what he was trying to do. He hoped that maybe if she heard the album she might change her mind, she'd leave Liam and realise how much she was better suited for him. He had been trying to break them up, he just hadn't thought about how that might've effected her.

Mad Sounds,     Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now