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Alex realised it is much harder to get over someone you never had. He kept thinking of the 'what if's'. What if she liked me back? What if it all worked out? What would we be like as a couple? Would it be like he had imagined? There were a lot of unanswered questions that haunted him.

He had been loosing his mind. It was like no girl he met could satisfy his longing for Olivia which only made him more annoyed because she was the only one who didn't want him.

Though, they were finally wrapping up the tour and heading home, it was the end of August now, and they hadn't seen Olivia for another couple of months - that still didn't stop Alex from secretly longing for her or dreaming about her most nights. He really was trying to get over her it just seemed like anything he did didn't work.

They spent less than an hour freshening up (all going home to shower and change clothes) before meeting up again to see Olivia at a bar. They were all exhausted from the long trip but they didn't want to delay seeing Olivia any longer.

Due to it being 4pm on a Monday the pub was mostly empty, except for a few old men drinking shandy's in the beer garden. Olivia was first to arrive, Lauren sitting next to her on a stool as they waited for everyone else.

Katie and Breana rushed over first hugging them tightly. Matt gave them both a side hug before standing behind Breana wrapping his hands around her from behind. Jamie and Nick gave them both hugs and finally Alex gave Lauren a hug before standing in front of Olivia with a smile. He was aware of everyone watching, especially after he had told them that there was nothing going on between them.

He wasn't sure if he should hug her or not. However, as he tried to calculate the best move - staring at her whilst he did so - she rolled her eyes pulling him down into a hug.

"Nice to see you again." She whispered to him her face against his her voice was so soft and genuine that he closed his eyes for a moment to relish in the sound after not hearing it for so long. Similar to when your favourite song comes up on shuffle in the car.

As easy as that she had him completely wrapped around her finger again. She didn't even have to try to make him completely in awe of her. Her hand running down his arm as she pulled away from the hug giving him a smile just reminded him that it was wouldn't feel the same from someone else.

"Nice to see you too." He said , realising that they had been hugging for longer than usual, and giving her a smile. "You too Lauren." He said turning to her. Lauren just laughed with a shake of her head.

"Okay we all need drinks and then you all need to catch me up!" Olivia announced to everyone and they all obeyed - ordering their drinks and sitting in a booth.

They talked about small arguments over who stole the 'good spoon' (apparently they had all decided that a particular spoon was the best and someone had taken it for themselves - Olivia suspected that it was Nick) and their nights out after concerts. Olivia gave Alex a suggestive eyebrow raise when Jamie mentioned all the girls he had been flirting with - Katie and kicked him in the leg for saying anything like it was a secret.

Lauren, who hadn't gotten the memo, looked extremely confused at the news. She felt very annoyed that her suspicions hadn't been right - she had been so sure that Alex liked Olivia but clearly she had been wrong.

Alex went slightly red as he tried to ignore Olivia as she laughed to herself. Katie and Breana thought that Olivia knowing that Alex had been with other girls would ruin any chances of them getting together - they had been aware of the fact that she already knew and didn't care in the slightest.

In fact, the news made her feel relieved. If Alex had been flirting with other girls then that meant that everyone telling her that he liked her had been wrong. They could be friends and there would be no way either of them would ruin it. She was glad that she didn't have to worry about it anymore, they could continue to act like they had always done.

Mad Sounds,     Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now