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Everything had been going great between Liam and Olivia. He had basically moved in but it wasn't official, he just spent most nights there and had his own key, but he still had his own place as well. He had actually brought up wether they should just get an apartment together, it caught Olivia off guard as she tried her best to find an excuse.

She liked having someone to come home to and it made her apartment feel less empty but she just didn't picture living with Liam - the relationship felt more like a fling then a long term commitment (he was like a relationship test run, to see if she liked it) and she didn't see herself wanting to spend the rest of her life with him.

She knew that if they moved in together then she was practically settled down, next it would be marriage and then kids and Olivia wasn't ready for that - it was still her first relationship she wasn't planning on it being her last.

There were aspects to Liam that she liked but there definitely was a list of things that she didn't. Maybe if they put in more effort then she could see them lasting longer but right now she couldn't. Though it was nice for now and there was nothing about him that was a deal breaker.

She was surprised when he asked since he didn't seem overly invested in the relationship either. It just seemed convenient and easy. She was sure that he didn't even know her birthday.

They were on their way to the venue when she noticed that he had zoned out, lost in his thoughts, as his stared out the window.His arm was wrapped around her and he nervously tapped against her shoulder, "You okay?" Olivia asked.

She knew what the issue was. She had to practically beg him to come to the release party. Whilst he had agreed to not say anything mean a both Alex she could tell that he just thought it and didn't say it out loud. The only 'serious' issue they had was a new development and it was Liam's disliking towards Alex - though it was easy to ignore since it wasn't brought up much.

However, obviously today was all about Alex so it was clear that Liam was struggling with that, she could tell that he really didn't want to see him again. Especially since he hadn't seen him since hearing the songs. He promised Olivia that he'd be nice - but only for her.

"Sorry, what did you say?" He asked not paying attention whilst he was in his daze.

"Are you okay?" She repeated with a worried expression.

His fingers stopped their tapping as he gently rubbed her arm, "Yeah, sorry. I'm fine." He told her with a tight lipped smile.

"Okay good." She said though she wasn't sure she cared more about how he was feeling then not wanting there to be any tension when it was meant to be about the new album.

Usually Katie or Breana were the first to greet Olivia but the first person she saw when she entered, squeezing Liams hand to comfort him as she heard him sigh as they walked through the door, was Miles.

The place was the perfect size, not too big and not too cramped. It reminded her of a wedding reception room but instead they were celebrating the Arctic Monkeys and not someone tying the knot. There were various numbered tables and a stage up front, the lights a dim yellow except from the screen at the end of the room which had the album cover on it. Speakers, taller than her, were in various places for when they were ready to play as the album.

There was a small bar and Miles was stood there, having just ordered a drink. He took his glass, of she thinks whiskey, and came over with his arms already outstretched. He gave her a hug, "I'm glad you came, Alex said he wasn't sure if you were going to."

She felt Liam tense behind her and she winced - even his name seemed to anger him. "Well. here I am." She said awkwardly before turning to face Liam, when it was clear that he wasn't going to introduce himself she put a hand on his arm and said to Miles, "This is Liam by the way."

Mad Sounds,     Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now