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They were sat on his sofa a movie that was far too complicated for her to understand playing ; Alex had really wanted to watch it so she happily watched it knowing that he was enjoying it. They had fell into a routine quickly. Often watching movies, Alex singing songs for her or ordering food in to eat (neither were great cooks). It was halfway through when he mumbled, "I think we should tell them."

Olivia was sat leant against his chest as he hands ran through her hair. She had actually been trying to pay attention to the film despite no understanding it so she mumbled without looking away, "Tell who what?" She hadn't fully registered what he had said so it didn't even click in her mind what he meant until he clarified.

"Everyone. About us." He explained and Olivia no longer had any interest in the film. She sat up and looked at him with wide eyes.

"Oh, are are you sure?" She asked.

Alex had written and released a full album about her, they all knew he liked her anyway it wouldn't be that different. The only thing he was hesitant about was how she felt about it and when she looked shocked he was worried that he had made a mistake. "I mean, we don't have to. I was just, I don't know forget-" Olivia cut him off with a kiss.

Olivia smiled pulling away slightly but still close whilst her hand remained on his neck, "I'm ready if you are? I mean I kind of just assumed that you didn't."

Alex laughed, "Are you kidding? They all know I've been in love with you since I met you."

The realisation of what he had just said dawned on him and he started to panic when she back away slightly with a shocked expression. He had meant it, he had always known that he was in love with her but he just hadn't been planning on telling her so soon ; he shook his head as he began to ramble, "I didn't mean to say that. I know, shit. I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologising?" She asked, worried that he hadn't meant it and it was a mistake.

Alex sighed and ran his hand through his hair looking away from her as he shrugged, "I don't want to force us to move too quickly, I know you want to take it slow." He turned to ace her with pleading eyes as he asked, "Can we just ignore that I said it?"

"Did you mean it?" She questioned scared of his answer. He simply shyly looked away, hun not answering letting her know what's he needed to. She smiled and kissed him on the cheek, "You're such an idiot."

He looked confused and she laughed, "Well, we've both been idiots." She expanded before explaining, "We've been holding back since we so scared that it'll cause things to not work out if we take it too quick. I don't want you to hold back."

"So . . . What are you saying?"

Olivia shrugged before bashfully admitting, "That I don't mind that you said it and I don't want to ignore it."

"You don't?"

"No." She whispered shaking her head. Alex immediately kissed her, he was gratefully that he hadn't scared her off. That she wasn't put off by the intensity of his feelings. She smiled against his lips before she mumbled, "I love you too."

It was so faint that he wasn't sure if he heard her correctly but the smile on her face when he pulled away in awe told him otherwise, "So we can tell everyone?" She laughed and nodded.

The End.

Mad Sounds,     Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now