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The early autumn sun shone through the window and Olivia laughed as she woke. Alex was pressed against her back with his arm wrapped around her waist whilst he kissed up and down her shoulder. She turned onto her back and Alex didn't move so that he was now leaning over her, resting on his forearm.

He smiled at her and gave her a quick kiss, "Morning." He whispered before resuming to kiss her neck.

She giggled, "You know that you're extremely clingy." She teased but when she felt him pull away she quickly added, "No! Not in a bad way,." She clarified looking at his worried face before laughing at him, "God your adorable."

Alex scrunched his face up in disgust as he repeated, "Adorable?"

Olivia nodded with a wide grin, "Very much so. I think clingy was the wrong word, your very . . . Affectionate." She corrected bringing a hand up to his cheek and rubbing her thumb along his face.

"Hmm. I don't know how much I love adorable and affectionate if I'm going to be honest."

"That's because you try to be hot and mysterious - a cool dickhead rockstar. I mean you are hot but I like this. I like that you show me how much you like me." She said sitting up slightly to press a kiss on his lips.

"I think it's because I didn't have you for so long, need to make up for lost time." He mumbled against her lips.

She pulled away before sitting up fully, Alex doing the same and leaning against the headboard as he watched her get out of bed throwing on a large t-shirt, "I think you're just a softy inside - you don't fool me Alexander. Plus only children are always clingy." She teased.

"Hmm, or maybe I just like kissing you." He shrugged with a smirk.

She walked to the other side of the bed, the side that he was on, and leant down - close to his face, as she said, "Well then I'd be fine with that too, I like kissing you too." She said proving it by giving him a peck.

Alex put an arm around her waist and pulled her down so she was sat on his lap. "We can't spend all day making out." She giggled against his lips.

She tried to pull away but Alex just moved her closer his arm around her waist the other on her thigh, "Says who?"

She wasn't quite sure what they were now - they were just 'seeing how things go' or at least that's what she assumed they were doing. They didn't want to put any strains on the relationship, they didn't want to take it too seriously too quickly - if felt like if they did that it would end in disaster. Knowing that they had each other was enough at the moment they didn't need to complicate it with labels.

Though, they both had discussed what they would tell everyone. They had agreed to kept it a secret - they wanted to see how things went first before involving their friends. It was also very apparent that if they did say anything that they would all be very enthusiastic about it and they didn't want to have that extra pressure to succeed added on to the relationship.

However, Olivia could tell that they were all suspicious.

Ever since she mentioned that she was no longer seeing Liam they all noticed the timing, days after the album release, but they didn't say anything. It wasn't only that but Alex had been extra affectionate.

Constantly next to her and touching her in some way, a hand on the small of her back or a hand on her knee. She could feel their eyes on him every time he did something questionable and she each time she thought that they would be called out on it but they never were.

Olivia assumed that they are to scared to accuse them, they didn't want to jinx it or bring it up and then be wrong causing Alex and her to revert back to being awkward and denying their feelings.

They were at a bar, in a booth by the back. Queen playing in the background as they all drank and talked. Olivia tried her best to pay attention to everyone but Alex was sat so her was pressed against her with his arm wrap around her loosely.

Alex leaned over to whisper another joke in her ear and she simply sighed and told him, "You've got to stop doing that, you know you're not very good at being discreet." She was conscious of everyone at the table.

Alex shrugged, "They're used to it be now. I know you like it anyway."

She rolled her eyes at his confidence and whispered to him looking to make sure no one was looking first, "I just think that maybe we should be a little more subtle about it."

"Don't want to." He whispered and he quickly kissed her behind her ear and then smirked as he backed away a bit then told her, "See no one even noticed."

Olivia did check. She glanced around and found that they weren't paying attention. "Don't do it again." She warned.

However, Alex didn't move he stayed with his head leant down and lips against her ear a she whispered, "You know that only makes me want to do it."

Olivia sighed, his voice and they way he said it making her fidgety in her seat. She nudged Alex away from her and then announced to everyone, "I think that Alex and I are going to head off, I have work tomorrow and Alex said that he'd drive me home."

She could see Alex smirking without even looking at him, she was scared that if she did look at him or interact with him in any way that they'd all know that they'd were together, so she didn't risk it.

Nick look concerned, "But he's been drink-"

"I meant walk! He said he'd walk me home." She quickly corrected, she pulled Alex up and basically dragged him out of the booth, "Okay then, I'll see you all on Friday." She briskly told them before grabbing Alex's hand and leading him out of the pub.

As soon as they had left Alex wrapped his arms around her from behind and put his head on her shoulder, "We're not waking all the way to yours are we?" He asked in a whine.

She laughed and turns around so that she was facing him and his hands dropped down to rest of her hips, "Don't be daft, we'll get a taxi I just needed an excuse as to why you had to leave with me."

"Okay good cause I don't think I can wait 30 minutes." He told her.

She rolled her eyes, "You're so impatient."

He brought one hand up to her jaw and leant down to kiss her not caring if anyone could see, "I can't help it, not with you."

Everything was going great with Alex. She realised that this is what a relationship was meant to be. Everything seemed right with him. She didn't have to worry about if he cared about her because he showed her that he did. She actually felt excited to see him, to talk to him, to kiss him.

It had become a routine for Alex to stay over. Often she'd wake up to find his arm wrapped around her - she always woke up before him, except this morning, she woke up to find that Alex was already getting dressed.

"Morning." She grumbled turning to press her face into the pillow.

"Usually it's me who's all grumpy in the morning." He joked putting his T-shirt on and sitting back down on the bed.

She simply mumbled a "Hungover." which was muffled due to the pillow.

He laughed and then leant down, kissing her back. "I've got to go to a meeting about the tour and stuff." He told her. He had mentioned the tour before and he had asked if she'd want to come with them.

She joked that she always predicted she'd be a groupie before she agreed. They didn't even discuss the logistics - mainly the fact that they still hadn't told anyone about them, whatever they were - all they knew was that they didn't want to be apart for that long.

She turned around and he was standing back up. She hopped out of bed, not caring about her headache anymore, and wrapped her arms around his neck, "Come back after?" She asked him with a pout.

"How can I say no to that." He smirked and she smiled.

Mad Sounds,     Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now