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Maybe it was her obsession with stars and space but there was something magical about the night - the feeling that it would never end and anything it possible.

She wore a cheetah print blazer over a long sleeve black lace dress- both things she had stolen photoshoots recently ; when Lauren said she had nothing to wear, as an excuse not to go, Olivia turned up at her house with a suitcase full of things for her to use. She wasn't going to let Lauren get out of it so easily.

"Do I really have to go?" Lauren whined as Olivia started pulling out potential outfits for her.

"Yes! I can't believe that you would turn down free concert tickets and not only just free tickets but tickets to see our friends."

"I've met them twice!", she argued crossing her arms.

They were more Olivia's friends than Lauren's but Olivia didn't want to go to a concert alone and she wanted to spend time with Lauren. Olivia rolled her eyes as she shoved a black velvet dress into Lauren's chest, "Stop being annoying and put this dress on." Lauren's shoulders fell dramatically as she took the dress and sauntered off into the on-suite bathroom.

Olivia sat on Lauren's bed tidying up the mess she had made when Lauren asked from the bathroom, "Have you talked to them at all since they left?"

Olivia hummed, "Erm, not really. Alex called a couple of times but that's it."

"He called you?" Lauren repeated with a shocked and suggestive tone. It was clear where the conversation was going from the mischievous look in Lauren's eyes as she peeked out of the bathroom door.

During the two months away Alex had called Olivia three times - Olivia had called him once so they had talked four times in total.

The first time it was the day after they had arrived at Manchester, he called to let her know that they had arrived and to thank her again for helping him pack - he said that Matt complimented his outfit so he had her to thank. In actuality he just wanted an excuse to hear her voice again.

The next time it was actually Olivia who called. She kept seeing videos of them performing and wanted to call to say that they sounded amazing and she couldn't wait for the London show.

It was June when Alex called again, he just asked how she was. She told him about work and the new haircut she had gotten (though it was basically the same she had just grown her bangs out so that they now reached her chin). He told her about the gigs that they had played so far and some updates about everyone. Neither wanted the call to end - not realising how much she had missed him. They talked for 2 hours before Alex had to go.

Finally, Alex had called to tell her they were arriving in London soon and to tell her the details. He said that he told them to let her and Lauren in to the backstage area and if there were any problems to call him and he's sort it out.

"Yeah. . . Only like three times, just to see how I was and stuff." She clarified sending Lauren an annoyed glare.

Lauren shook her head at Olivia and raised an eyebrow at her, "You know that he likes you, right?"

"Here we go again. I swear you think that anyone who talks to me likes me." She complained closing her eyes in frustration. If she was being honest the main reason it annoyed her was that she didn't want it to be true. If he liked her then that meant that hey were screwed, feelings always over complicate things.

"Alex doesn't just talk to you, though. I don't think there's ever been a time where he's not been flirting with you." Lauren claimed.

"You weren't there when we first me, trust me he doesn't like me." Olivia told her, she had finished packing back up her things and stood up and sighed, "Now hurry up and get changed, I don't want to be late."

Mad Sounds,     Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now