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Alex felt sick and not in the same hungover way Olivia was. He felt disgusted with himself - that he would've so easily cheated last night. He knew Olivia had a power over him but he thought he would've had some restraint - a little dignity and some respect for his girlfriend.

He hadn't slept, he sat on his settee all night, in silence. Time seemed to stand still and pass by quickly all at the same time. He wasn't even aware that it was morning until he heard the birds chirping outside and he ran a hand over his tired face in exasperation.

He made himself a coffee and quietly drank it still lost in thought as Olivia came downstairs, wearing the same clothes from yesterday. He couldn't meet her eye - he didn't want to look at her. He was ashamed and the guilt was eating away at him.

She sat down next to him and laughed, he wasn't in the mood to laugh back, "How is it that you look worse than me." She joked but he didn't respond with a grin like he usually would. She looked at him in concern as he stared down at the mug in his hand, "I'm only joking, you look fine." She admitted with a hopeful smile but still got no reply.

Alex simply drank the rest of his coffee getting up to take his mug to the kitchen sink. Olivia watched in confusion, she couldn't help but feel offended by his blatant avoidance of her - especially because she had no idea what the cause of it was. He simply pretended she wasn't there.

He didn't come back so Olivia went to him, standing in the doorway as she watched him clean his mug - spending way more time than he needed on it. "Are you okay?" She asked him with worry.

He knew he had no right to be mad at her but he couldn't help but feel agitated - angry at her ignorance. Surely she had to be aware of what she was doing? They way she'd look at him and flirt with him. She couldn't be that oblivious. She was teasing him with the possibility of being something more - waving it in front of his face and then when he tried to grab it she'd take it away.

He knew he started it - it was him who had caught feelings for her. He should've stopped being friends with her the moment he realised, it would've been much easier, but he was selfish and didn't want to cut her off.

But she only fanned the flame.

He would've been fine if she didn't tease him and try and get a reaction out of him. Asking him to dance and looking at him with those innocent yet seductive green eyes.

She heard him sigh as he muttered in annoyance, "Just tired."

She hummed quietly, not quite believing him and suddenly feeling very uncomfortable. Clearly she was unwanted so she told him, "Well, I'm going to go home." She may of said it harsher than intended, her feelings accidentally coming to the surface. He flinched slightly at her tone and the fact that he was the cause of it.

He didn't reply, he didn't even turn around to acknowledge what she had just said.

Olivia had gone past worried she was now annoyed as she rolled her eyes before grabbing her coat that she had left on his sofa before immediately leaving - she couldn't be there anymore with Alex acting like that. He heard the click of the door and groaned in frustration. If he didn't figure something out he was going to hurt both of them.

It was October 2nd - also know as Olivia's birthday.

The only thing she wanted was for everyone to be there - she didn't mind if it was at the zoo or on the moon as long as she could spend time with everyone. It had been a last minute decision to have everyone over (she prefers staying in with friends than going to a pub) and she was just happy mostly everyone was free.

Mad Sounds,     Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now