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Katie, Breana, Lauren and, Nick's new girlfriend, Kelly were at Olivia's house, they had bought a cheap bottle of wine as well as a slightly more expensive one from a supermarket near by. They had thought that once they were drunk they wouldn't care about the taste or quality anymore - though they had underestimated just how bad the wine was and struggled to drink it (which they should've predicted since it was £3).

Olivia had decided to host a small girls night at hers, mainly because she wanted to meet Kelly but also because she missed hanging out with them. Kelly was extremely nice and wasn't awkward at all - she was glad because she couldn't imagine how two quiet people would cope in a relationship.

Surprisingly they had made it halfway through the bottle (though it was between 5 of them) before they gave up.

"I can't drink this anymore!", Breana coughed covering her mouth as she choked on the sip of the wine she had just taken - she grabbed the bottle and turned it so she could read the ingredients, "I think it's actually burning my throat."

They all laughed at her and agreed in a fit of giggles. "Well luckily I came prepared." Lauren told them as she reached into her bag and pulled out a bottle of red wine - Olivia preferred white but anything was better than what they were just drinking that she wasn't picky.

"I don't think I've ever loved anyone as much as I love you right now." Katie gushed at the sight of a tolerable drink.

"You had that the whole time and didn't sat anything!" Breana shouted at the same time everyone laughed at the two very different reactions.

"I'll go and rinse the glasses and pour the rest of it down the sink . . . unless any of you want it?", She offered aa joke and they all looked at her in disgust, Olivia laughed and nodded standing up and grabbing their glasses. Their reactions spoke for themselves and she told them before quickly going to the kitchen, "Okay I'll be back in a second."

Olivia knelt back down of the floor - Katie, Kelly and Lauren were all on the sofa, Breana took the one armchair when Olivia said she didn't mind sitting on the floor.

They all refilled their glasses with a much more appealing looking wine, they all thanked Lauren and, Kelly took a sip and sighed in relief, "Oh my god, this is ten times better. I forgot what good wine taste like."

Katie leaned over Kelly so Lauren could fill her glasses easier. When Katie leant back, she took a sip of the wine, and then announced, "Okay! I have a question for Olivia." Olivia looked at her with firstly wide surprises eyes and then squinted her eyes at Katie suspiciously. "You don't have to answer, but I think we're all close enough to know."

"What is it?" Olivia asked, she was curious but also anxious.

Katie put her glass on the coffe table that they were all sat around and then clapped her hand together resting them in her lap before she said, "Well, I think we've all been wanting to ask . . . We just really want to know what happened between you and Alex!" She rushed out quickly hoping that Olivia wouldn't get offended, she added, "I mean it stopped you from seeing us for months and Alex would never tell us anything, but obviously it's none of our business so you don't have to tell us if you don't want to."

"Wait?" Kelly exclaimed, "You dated Alex?" She said to Olivia in shock.

Olivia had brought one of her knees to her chest and she could already feel her face heat up, she wasn't a nervous person but she wasn't sure that they would all understand. Not only did she not want them to think she was a bad person but she also didn't know if Alex would be mad at her for telling them.

Mad Sounds,     Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now