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Once the show was over Olivia had invited everyone back to her house - it was clear that no one wanted to go home just yet (the thrill of everyone being back in the same area) and her house was close by. It was still light outside, since it was now June, and Alex had made a joke about it - something about it being too bright for 10pm.

Her living room was significantly smaller than Alex's and Miles' so Alex and Olivia sat on the floor sitting on the decorative cushions from the sofa.

If it were up to her she'd be sitting as far away from Alex as possible. Though, she didn't want to force anyone off one of her sofas. Alex was already sitting on the floor when she came back to the living room after getting some drinks for everyone - either being courteous for once or since he knew she'd have to sit next to him. She sighed anxiously before sitting down next to him - their legs touching from the small space.

They had all been talking, Olivia faced away from Alex and talked to Nick.

Matt shouted her from across the room and she turned to see what he wanted, "You have a guitar?", he asked her.

Olivia laughed and nodded with a shamed eyebrow scrunch, "Yeah, I tried to learn once but I don't think I have the patience. I'm pretty good at the triangle though." She looked at the acoustic guitar sitting in the corner of the living room, it had become apart of the decor and most of the time she forgot it was there.

"Pass it here."

Olivia got up from the floor, smoothing out the bottom half of her short dress to make sure it wasn't riding up her legs and climbed over peoples legs to get the instrument for him. She realised when Jamie passed her the guitar form his spot on the sofa that he could've just passed it to Matt the whole time but she thanked him anyway.

As she tried to hand it to Matt he just nudged his head towards Alex, "let Al play it, he's better than me." Matt and Breana had been whispering to each other, trying to find ways to help Alex out with Olivia, getting him to play some songs was their first plan.

Alex moaned throwing his head back and closing his eyes, "I don't want to play anything, I just sang for fucking forever."

Katie rolled her eyes already getting comfortable as she prepared for Alex to start, she grabbed a cushion and hugged it against her chest as she moved to face Alex, "Don't be such a bore, and you only sang for 2 hours I think you'll live."

Alex sighed, ignoring everyone else he tilted his head to the side (still thrown back) so he looked at Olivia, "Do I have to?" He asked her.

Olivia shrugged, "Only if you want to . . . But I wouldn't be opposed to hearing some songs."

It was like being hypnotised, he'd do anything Olivia asked him to or anything he'd think would make her happy. So reluctantly he took the guitar and settled it on his lap. Olivia smiled as he played some chords, "Gonna have to tune it first." He told her twisting the togs at the head of the guitar.

"Yeah sorry, like I said I haven't played it in forever." Olivia apologised.

"No need to apologise."

His eyebrows furrowed together and he'd suck in his bottom lip as he tried to find the right notes, tapping the strings and adjusting them. Olivia watched, her chin resting on her hands which were placed on top of her knee, her other leg resting on the floor.

Alex always looked attractive - at least to Olivia (she knew Lauren would disagree), but something about when he played the guitar and sang made him look more good-looking.

"Right what song do ya want?" He asked Olivia.

Before Olivia could reply Jamie shouted, "Play the new song you wrote."

Mad Sounds,     Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now