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Alex had written 'Snap Out Of It' the night after he had met Liam. He immediately went to the studio and told everyone he had an extra song to add to the album, they all were hesitant since they thought the album was perfect as it is. However, Alex was adamant on it being included. Due to the short notice they started recording it straight away.

They all didn't want to bring up the fact that it was about Olivia and how it was clear he still had feelings for her ; they all shared glances between each other when he showed them the song.

"So what do you think?" He asked them casually.

"It's really good, definitely fits the vibe of the album." Matt praised and Alex nodded.

"Yeah, really fits the 'vibe'." Nick joked nudging Jamie as they laughed. The entire 'vibe' of the album, and the on going theme throughout, had been Olivia so obviously the song had fit in perfectly.

Alex eyed them angrily as they giggled like gossiping school girls, "Can you both shut up?" He complained.

"It's a really good song, Al, but do you not think that Olivia might realise that it's about her? I don't know if she'd appreciate you talking about her relationship like that." Nick said weary of Alex's reaction as he spoke - which, for the most part, was impatient and bored.

"I'm not trying to hide the fact it's about her.", Alex admitted with a shrug, he had already named a song after her and there were plenty of references and memories about her - it was too late for subtlety.

Nick sighed and clarified, "Well obviously, I just don't think shitting on her new relationship is gonna win her over."

Alex rolled his eyes, "I've hardly said anything bad about it and I'm not trying to win her over."

Jamie's slapped Nick on the shoulder, "There's no need to be worried about Olivia's feelings, have you met her? She doesn't get phased by other peoples opinions." He reassured him.

"If she gets mad then I didn't have any involvement!" Nick told them.

"Should we get recording then?" Matt asked and they all nodded. Alex had already written all the lyrics and had the guitar rhythm practically perfected - it was just a matter of Matt adding the drums and a bit of tweaking here and there.

Olivia hadn't been expecting to see Alex so soon so she was extremely surprised when he walked into the cafe she had just entered herself. He clearly didn't see her as he walked up to the nearest till, the one adjacent dorm hers, separated from a glass display case of biscuits and cakes.

Olivia had to bite her lip to stop herself laughing when they both asked for one of the ghost biscuits at the same time. Alex looked at her, first with shock at it being Olivia then with a smile at the realisation that they had both ordered the same thing.

Alex laughed and then said to the woman serving him, "You could say they're selling like ghost cookies." Olivia laughed to herself, probably looking very strange, and she turned to see Alex smiling at her.

At least someone found it amusing because the woman at the till looked at Alex with furrowed brows, "What?" She asked, she either didn't get it or didn't hear him.

Alex just shook his head embarrassed to repeat himself since he knew it was dumb joke but at least Olivia had found entertaining. He coughed and repeated it a lot less confident. She still didn't laugh but nodded and asked, "Will that be all?"

"Yeah, yeah that's it." He said, cheeks red as he rubbed the back of neck awkwardly.

Olivia had already paid for her drink and biscuit so she came over to Alex as he waited for his coffee, "That was such a lame joke." She told him teasingly still laughing to herself about the situation and how red he had gotten - she liked to see him embarrassed.

Mad Sounds,     Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now