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The only people that Olivia kept in touch with still were Katie, Breana and surprisingly Miles. Though, she saw them far less frequently than she used to.

She missed going out most nights and hanging out in someone's living room playing music and watching movies.

However, she had made some new friends since then - a couple of people she had met at events and photoshoots (though admittedly she liked them far less than the arctic Monkeys but they were nice and kept her company).

She hadn't kept in touch with Alex exactly but occasionally he would call her at ridiculous hours of the night either drunk of high. Mainly he would just ramble on about how much he missed her and how he only wanted her.

It had gotten to the point where she had to block his number but then she started getting calls from Matt, Jamie or Nick and she already knew that it was Alex. She hung up every time.

Though she was caught off guard when Katie called and when she answered it was Alex, "Come out, we're at some pub." She could tell by the way he spoke with slurred speech that he was drunk.

"Alex?" She asked half asleep leaning up slightly in bed. She squinted her eyes at the clock to see that it was nearly 5am. "Am I going to have to block Katie's number as well?" She asked tiredly.

"Come out, I want to see you." He mumbled almost incoherently.

"Even if I wanted to, which I don't, I've got work tomorrow morning." She told him leaning back into her pillow closing her eyes as she spoke - too tired to open them.

"It never stopped you before."

Olivia sighed, "You've got to stop calling me when your high. I don't know why you do it to yourself but it's not helping." It had become a habit that he'd get sad then get drunk or high and then he would call Olivia. The urge to hear her voice overwhelming him. He had practically begged Katie to borrow her phone.

"Because I miss you. I feel like I'm never going to stop. I can't get you off my mind."

"Your just drunk and sad. You'll regret this when your sober."

It went quiet for a moment, she could hear the sound of cars passing him and some people either singing shouting in the background, until he whispered, "I'm hardly ever sober."

"Dating me isn't going to fix that, if you need help then talk to Matt, please. I'm just a person not an antidote. I'm not going to help with whatever your going through, if anything I'm just going to make it worse."

"Do you always have to be right?"

"Part of my charm."

"I'm not trying to be mean Alex but if you call me again I'm just going to hang up. I'm not gonna entertain you calling me anymore."

"Yeah okay." He murmured and Olivia sighed before turning her phone off and trying to go back to sleep.

1 June 2013

Everything seemed to happen so quickly. The start and the end of the brief era of her life all becoming a whirlwind blur - sometimes she forgets that it even really happened the only thing reminding her was the occasional text from Katie, Breana or Miles.

Looking back she thinks it was all very dramatic.

That one kiss ended it all, she realised that they may have blown it out of proportion entirely. When she hadn't received any more drunk calls from Alex she had checked with Katie to make sure that he was doing okay.

She was happy to hear that he had managed to get his life together, he'd no longer get ridiculously drunk or high. He even surprisingly seemed almost happy which was a relief for Olivia to hear.

She had even gotten a boyfriend since. She had met him at a movie premier (some Netflix film she didn't care much about). He was the action figure type - defined muscles, tanned skin, blinding white teeth. In terms of personality he was nice but not much else.

Dating Liam was easy. Mainly because she wasn't scared of loosing him. Her feelings couldn't get hurt because she didn't have many for him - or at least none intense ones like she had with Alex.

The main appeal was that she didn't have any strong feelings towards him. There was no possible way for her to be heartbroken from a possible split because she wasn't sure if she'd care at all.

However, she had to admit that dating someone was nice. Having someone to come home to and tell them about your day - the little things like what you had for lunch.

Looking back she realised she should've dated Alex. That she was making it difficult when it didn't have to be. She realised that the only reason it didn't work out was because she was so adamant on proving that it wouldn't - so she had proof for her hypothesis.

Though, being with Liam now meant she tried to not slip into the habit of thinking about Alex and what could've been. It was a shame that it didn't work out but life moves on.

Breana gasped as she entered the backstage area, "Your taking the piss. Olivia Warren has a fucking boyfriend." She gasped announcing the news to the room. Matt dropped his drumsticks immediately, Jamie put his guitar down and Nick, who was taking a break for some water, struggled to swallow.

Alex was stunned. Unable to react as he watched everyone crowd around Breana's phone. He didn't want to see it so he stayed where he was.

Jamie asked, "Who's the lucky bloke?"

"Some guy called Liam." She shrugged.

"Well good for her." Jamie said and everyone turned to stare at him. He held his hands up as he defended, "What! She's never had a boyfriend, it's about time she found someone."

Everyone ignored him and then they all wearily looked at Alex who was tuning his already perfectly tuned guitar. "Sounds like she's just settled for the first guy interested in her though, doesn't it." Alex stated quietly, unaware of all the eyes on him.

"If that were true she'd be dating you, mate." Nick joked but earned a smack over the head from Matt, Nick groaned rubbing the spot he hit.

"Fuck off." Alex rolled his eyes and muttered.

"It is a little strange.", Breana agreed, "He doesn't seem like her type. For too Abercrombie and Fitch." She said analysing the photo on her phone, zooming in on the guy with his arm wrapped around Olivia waist.

"I'm going out for a smoke." Alex told everyone before immediately leaving without listening to what they had to say. He didn't want to hear anymore about Olivia. Whilst he had gotten over her, well he had gotten over the urge to call her and see her, (now he just felt a dull ache whenever he thought of her) he still wasn't interested in the guy she was dating.

She wasn't constantly at the forefront of his mind anymore. He could go out and not think about how she want there and he could occasionally even enjoy himself. Though he supposed focusing on music had helped him with that.

Their new album was entirely about Olivia - he had no other inspiration and she was so easy to write songs about. He wondered if she had heard their single 'R U Mine?' And if she had came to the realisation that it was about her.

Recording their new album and writing songs allowed him to focus on something other than missing Olivia. He wanted the album to be perfect - to describe his feelings accurately. He was so concerned with the quality of the songs that he often forget what they were actually about - he managed to block out the lyrics.

It only reminded him that he could've had her. Instead this new guy had her. It sent him on a spiral of what was so much better about him, what did this new guy have that he didn't?

Matt joined him outside after a moment a took one of Alex's cigarettes.

Alex wasn't the type of person the talk about his feelings and the only time that he did was through song writing. So Matt didn't bother to try and ask him any questions, he simply lightly patted him on the shoulder before lighting his cigarette.

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