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Alex didn't go back to the tour bus, instead he walked all the way to his house. He had a lot on his mind. He always seemed close to kissing her, the thought crossing his mind constantly whilst talking to her, but last night was the closest he had come. He wasn't even sure if she noticed the way he leaned in slightly or looked between her eyes and lips.

He was sure she did, the way she awkwardly backed up. Clearly he was the only one who felt any sort of feelings for the other - he had often wondered if Olivia felt the same and he now had his answer.

He was disappointed in himself. He spent the entire walk home regretting ever even considering them being together - clearly he had read too much into their interactions, he felt something that wasn't ever there. It's easy to manipulate situations to make them how you want and that's what he assumed he had done.

He poured himself another drink when he got home but didn't manage to finish it as he fell asleep on his settee, the remainder splashing on to his floor. He woke up confused and groaned as he looked down at the floor.

He really had to sort his feelings out if they were still going to be friends. It was either that or ignore her completely, block all contact. Though he didn't want to do that. That's also mean Katie and Breana not seeing Olivia and why should she have to suffer just because he couldn't constraint himself? He had decided that morning, as he wiped up the splashed whiskey, that he had to get over Olivia.

After a sleepless night she went to go meet Katie and Breana and on her way, as she walked past a new stand, the image on the front page caught her eye.

She saw Alex first, thinking it was about their tour, and then quickly she realised that she was stood next to him. Conveniently at a moment where they had been walking behind the rest of the group as they walked to Olivia's house. She hadn't even noticed someone taking pictures but the evidence was right in front of her.

She read it as she walked down the street and when she arrived, before even saying hello, she dropped the newspaper onto the table. "Have you seen this?" She asked them.

Katie laughed with raised brows, "Hello to you to." She chuckled as Olivia sat down in the spare chairs with a frown on her face.

"No, what is it?" Breana said at the same time whilst grabbing the newspaper, her face falling when she saw the picture, "Well at least you look good!" She said trying to make the situation better, especially because of the glare Olivia was giving.

Katie shrugged as she leant over in her chair to read the title, "I'm sure they'll drop the dating thing after a week." She reassured.

Olivia's frown dropped momentarily in confusion before she shook her head waving Katie off, "What? Oh, I don't care about that. They got my fucking name wrong!" She scoffed.

"No way!" Breana blurted with a laugh as her eyes darted back to the page as she re-read.

Olivia nodded, "Yeah. Arabella Warren wears cheetah print coat. Who the fuck is Arabella?"

They both burst out laughing, Katie covering her mouth with her hand. Katie shook her head with her mouth open in disbelief. "How have they got your last name right but your first name wrong?" She laughed.

"Who knows." Olivia shrugged with a annoyed sigh. "I need coffee, it's too early." She said before quickly ordering a drink at the counter. She sat back down at the table, now wait an iced latte.

Katie lifted the newspaper, "Do you mind if I take this? I don't think they'll believe me if they don't see it." Olivia nodded, she wouldn't be needing it anyway, and Katie slipped it into her bag to show everyone else later.

Mad Sounds,     Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now