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Olivia tended to smoke when she was drunk and throughout the night she had drank a lot - her craving increasing on her seventh drink.

She was sat in the corner of the room, at a booth which had been reserved for people to store their coats for the night. Surrounded by leather jackets and puffer coats she pulled out a pack of cigarettes hiding it under the table when she wasn't smoking it.

It wasn't that she was deliberately feeling rebellious and wanted to break the rules but it was so cold outside and she didn't feel like standing outside in the dark alone.

Alex couldn't see Olivia and he thought she might've left already but he saw her in the corner of the room and smiled. "I don't think ya meant to be smokin' in 'ere." He told her slipping into the space next to her.

She had always been a happy drunk so she laughed dramatically. "It's okay. I know the people who run this bar. We're like this." She said crossing her fingers to show how well she knew them smiling mischievously. "I'm done anyway." She said absentmindedly tossing the cigarette out the window behind them.

Alex smiled and shook his head at her.

The same nervous and exhilarated feeling took over when he saw her looking at him, her eyes trailing up and down before settling on his face. Analysing him with intensity. They met eyes and his brain went fuzzy. Her eyes were the colour of trees and he'd happily get lost in the forest.

He hated the moments like these - where they tension would be high and then dissolve the moment she decided. The false promise of something more. He couldn't take the teasing any longer so he moved closer and her eyes widened but she she didn't back away.

He swallowed nervously - taking the risk and worried that it wouldn't pay off. Though she didn't seem to reject it. Everything seemed quiet even though there was loud music and crowds around them.

His hand slowly trailed up her arm before cupping her cheek, his fingertips delicately dancing across her skin. He pulled her mask off, her eyes were flickering down to his lips and he took that as his sign.

He leaned down and kissed her quickly, tasting the cigarette that she was just smoking, before pulling away his eyes desperately searching her for any sign of approval but as soon as he began pulling away Olivia brought him back down, her hand coming to his neck forcing him to keep kissing her. He did so happily and with intensity to make up for all the past times he wanted to and hadn't.

It felt surreal and heavenly. It was like a dream and the only thing reminding him that it was reality was the taste of her lips and her hands on his face and neck - something that he couldn't of made up because nothing could feel as good as it did right then.

Olivia pulled away, lips swollen and red, her cheeks the same colour. She grabbed his hand and dragged him to the bathroom and into one of the cubicles. He was so desperate for her that he didn't have objections or jokes about the location.

He pushed her gently against the wall kissing her again, his hands on her hips whilst her arms came to wrap around his neck as her hands tangled with his hair. He groaned when she gently pulled at his hair and he could feel her smirk against his lips. His eyebrows furrowed together as he committed the feeling to memory.

Olivia wasn't quite sure if it was the alcohol or if she just thought that he looked really good in that moment that she didn't even try to stop him as he came closer. She didn't have the effort to end the moment and she wasn't sure she wanted to. The way he was looking at her, with brown eyes full of lust and hope was enough to make her give in.

Her mind couldn't remind her that it was a bad idea, she didn't think about the consequences. All that she could think of was the fact that he was leaning down and what his lips would feel like. He kissed her and it all became a blur. It was like she was possessed and she had no control.

Mad Sounds,     Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now