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The first time she saw Alex (and everyone else) again was by accident. She was taking Liam to a pub and had coincidentally bumped into them there. She saw them all in a booth and hit Liam with the back of her hand on the arm to get his attention.

He looked at her confused as she pointed across the room at them, "I can't believe they're here, remover I told you about when I was friends with the Arctic Monkeys? That's them." She told him.

"Oh." He said in realisation, "We can leave if you like? Go somewhere else?" He offered knowing about her history with them - mainly Alex.

They were on the topic of exes and whilst she never dated Alex she thought it was worth mentioning - especially since she was still friends with Katie which meant there was always a possibility of them seeing each other again.

"What? No! Let's go say hi." She said giddily, grabbing his hand and intertwining their fingers as she dragged him over.

"Olivia?" Katie screeched being the first to see her and she immediately sprung out of her seat and rushed over to give her a hug.

Alex lost his breath when he saw her. She was just as beautiful as he remembered and he quickly noticed her new boyfriend stood behind her. He wasn't sure how he should react so he just sat there awkwardly as he watched her hug Katie.

He still felt the same rush when he saw her.

"God, don't forget I still need to breath." Olivia joked and she could feel Katie laugh against her.

"Wow, it's been so long. Talking on the phone don't enough I miss seeing you." She said giving her one last squeeze before pulling away. Olivia giggled and rolled her eyes.

Olivia could finally look at them all, without Katie attached to her, she smiled at them all, "How are you all?" She asked. They all looked the exact same, though she noticed Alex's hair was slightly shorter but it was still styled the same.

They all nodded, "Yeah we've been good." Matt answered for everyone.

"Do you want to sit with us?" Breana asked.

Olivia immediately looked at Alex, knowing that he'd be the only person to object but he just gave her a small smile. She wasn't sure how comfortable it would be to be sat at a table with Alex and Liam so she awkwardly stuttered, "Oh, well, erm, I don't want to interrupt."

Jamie rolled his eyes, "Don't be stupid. Grab a seat."

She looked at Liam with a questioning look seeing if he wanted to, he gave her a smile and shrug so Olivia slid into the booth next to Nick as Liam sat next to her, putting an arm around her shoulder.

"Okay before we catch up I'm just going to grab me and Liam a drink-", she suddenly realised she had never introduced him so she quickly added, "Oh! By the way this is Liam. Okay I'll be back as quick as I can." She told them giving Liam a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving.

It was awkwardly silent once she left and Breana asked, since she was tired of everyone acting like they had to protect Alex's feelings, "I'm Breana by the way. This is Matt," she said patting his chest the she pointed next to her, "That's Jamie and Katie. Nick and then Alex."

"Nice to meet you all." He gave them all a collective nod and smile.

"How did you meet Olivia?" Breana asked again realising no one else wanted to talk to him, she thought they were all being extremely childish.

"Oh at a movie premiere." He said and quickly the awkward silence was back.

Olivia came back at looked at them all suspiciously as she sat back down, it was far too quiet and they all were looking around or at the floor. "Jesus Christ did I miss something, you all look miserable."

Mad Sounds,     Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now