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It was now March (February had flown by and, for most of it, Olivia once again had been working). She hadn't seen any of the band since the 'Suck it and See' release. Their schedules never lined up and from what she had heard they were busy working on setting up a tour for the album. However, the planning for the tour and Olivia's modelling seemed to quieten down at the same point and they had already planned to meet up again.

For the first time Olivia wasn't meeting the band at a club. Instead they were all going to Miles Kanes' house, who she already knew from the song 'Rearrange', that he dad was obsessed with - as well as during her stalking on the band where she came across the album that him and Alex made. It wasn't even Katie or Breana who invited her this time. She got a text from Alex saying that 'he had a friend that he wanted her to meet'.

Lauren had work that day so Olivia was arriving alone, she knocked on the door and heard some shouting coming from inside 'Piss off' and 'Don't worry I'm not going to say anything'. Eventually after a moment of silence the door opened up with Miles grinning widely and Alex looking annoyed behind him.

"Hello, you must be Olivia." Miles said gesturing for her to enter.

Olivia nodded, taking her coat off and brushing her hand through her hair, trying a little to neaten it from the wind outside. "Yeah, it's nice to meet you." she said whilst shaking his hand before smiling at Alex, "Lighten up Alex, if I'd known that showing up would've upset you this much I would've stayed home." Alex shook his head with a small smirk at this causing Olivia to smile proudly.

Miles laughed and patted Alex on the shoulder, leaving his hand there whilst he told Olivia, "He's just being a grumpy old git, aren't you Al?" Olivia smiled at the interaction.

Alex huffed narrowing his eyes at Miles as he explained through gritted teeth, "Miles just thinks he's hilarious is all."

"It's 'cause I am." Miles defended.

Alex rolled his eyes shrugging Miles' hand off his shoulder before looking at Olivia and, whilst he still look irritated by Miles who seemed to be intently watching Alex, said, "Nice to see ya, Olivia."

It was the first time seeing her since she had stayed over and he was happy to be reminded of how she looked - only having the vague memory of her asleep on his settee to keep his mind occupied - as he studied her intently. He wavy long brown hair, her dark green eyes, her red cheeks and lips - it was all committed to memory as she stood there in-front of him.

Olivia nodded politely with a smile, "You too, Alex."

Miles gestured his head down the hallway, "Well everyone's in the living room if you wanna come through." Olivia followed him with Alex walking behind her.

Everyone was sat around Miles' living room drinking and watching the movie that was on - they had eventually decided on watching 'Barbarella' mainly since Olivia had dressed up as her for Lucy's birthday party where they had all met and they thought it would be hilarious to watch considering (sort of a celebration of their friendship and a toast to Olivia).

"You dressed up as Barbarella?" Miles asked her.

Alex had told him about a night out where he had met this 'unbelievably attractive girl dressed up as Barbarella'. He had just failed to mention that Olivia was that girl. He could tell what Miles was doing straight away and that he had connected the dots. He tried sending him a glare to tell him to stop but Miles just laughed at him.

"Yeah for this 60s party. I loved this film growing up, though I think I was far too young to be watching it."

"Hmm, I think Alex mentioned that party. Didn't you Al?"

Mad Sounds,     Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now