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Just like when they had first met Olivia, the group had treated Lauren like an old friend - she wasn't sure if they were extra friendly because they were tipsy but she was just glad that it wasn't awkward at all. Especially, because she could tell that Lauren was enjoying herself so she wouldn't have to sit through a month of complaining about how 'terrible it was' and how she was 'never going to go out again'.

On the way home Lauren even thanked her for a great night - which was a new revelation as she was usually in a bad mood after a night out.

A lot of time had passed since then, it was now February, and Olivia had spent most of the time working ; she hadn't been out once. She had barely even noticed how much time had passed until she got a message from Katie saying how much they all had missed her - she made sure to add 'especially Alex'.

Katie had made it her personal mission to get Alex and Olivia together - not subtly either. She'd send Olivia updates on him constantly ; just yesterday she had revived one saying 'Alex has been in a mood all night, think he misses your company'. Whilst she knew it was all delusions it was still nice to hear and fantasise about a little.

Olivia wasn't someone who thought relationships were sustainable.

It was just a way to fulfil a human urge and once the satisfaction wares off it ends. Though, she may just be speaking from the relationships she had witnessed - which had all ended badly. Her parent had divorced when she was young and whilst it didn't cause any trauma (except some commitment issues) it only made her realise that relationships never last.

'Forever' is just something that sounds nice to believe in.

It's part of the reason she had never had a boyfriend before - she doesn't see the point. She thought it was pointless when it would inevitably end in heartbreak.

So, whilst she thought Alex was extremely attractive and she did enjoy the strange connection they had formed, she had no desire to date him. In fact she'd go as far to say that she was actively avoiding it. Not because she thought they weren't compatible, or there was no sexual appeal (there was), but there was no need to ruin the friendship - which she had worked hard at forming - by becoming anything more.

Though, during her time not spent partying, she was able to do some stalking on the band. Quickly, she entered a worm hole of watching live performances and interviews. It felt strange to watch them through a screen but intriguing at the same time. She was able to analyse Alex's face without worrying about him catching her admiring him. She had even found some great videos that she'd be able to tease him about later.

Alex was insanely bored.

The most interesting thing that had happened to him all month was meeting Olivia and they hadn't seen her for the rest of month. There was no point in going out anymore since he knew that she wouldn't be there.

The only thing keeping him distracted was performing gigs or trying to write new songs, though he found that he didn't have much inspiration for a new album - especially after just finishing 'Suck it and See', which they were releasing soon. He had invited Olivia to the release party and if anyone were to ask him he could just say that he knew Katie and Breana would want her there - when in reality he just wanted an excuse to see her again.

The three weeks that she had been gone Alex was able to gather his thoughts together and decipher his feelings about Olivia. At first he thought that he was just lonely and she was the closest person there to preoccupy him and to get his mind off of his past relationship. However, as time went on all he could think about was her. Her laugh, her smile, her green eyes. Now he just had to decide what to do about his feelings.

Mad Sounds,     Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now