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Olivia held the cup of coffee between her hands, occasionally taking sips as she watched the downpour of rain through the cafe window. She had always loved winter and the rain.

"So what have you been up to?" Lauren asked as she brought her hot chocolate up to her lips - she had never liked the taste of coffee, however, her and Olivia's weekly catch up's had become a tradition and they usually took place in coffee shops.

Lauren wasn't a model - most of Olivia's friends were, her life revolved around work and work related events so she was around models constantly.

Olivia and Lauren had been friend since they were 6 and they had made a promise to talk to each other, at least, once a week when they had both left uni. Olivia liked having someone who she knew would always be honest with her and didn't have the same lifestyle - it kept her grounded and stopped her from getting too caught up in the modelling world.

"Okay so I know that you're going to freak out but just hear me out okay." Olivia began. Whilst Olivia had gotten used to meeting famous people Lauren was still in disbelief at the people that Olivia would meet. She had taken Lauren as her plus one to a couple of shows and premiers and she had always found Lauren's awestruck face hilarious - especially in conversation when she would stumble over her words.

Hesitantly Olivia began, "So, I went to Lucy's birthday party, which I've already told you about, the 60's one, " she clarified, "and when I was there she introduced me to the Arctic Mon-"

"You're fucking kidding me!" Lauren gasped, struggling to swallow the mouthful of hot chocolate she had just drank. The loud outburst caused some people to look over at the two and the blonde sunk in her seat a little in embarrassment, her cheeks turning red, "sorry, but that's just unbelievable." She mumbled quietly.

"I knew that you'd say that, anyway-"

"Wait, there's more! Oh god, let me get prepared." She warned before getting comfortable in her seat, bringing her hands up to clasp together on the table. She took a deep breath before saying, "Okay, go."

"Well I went out with them again on Friday - Breana and Katie invited me, who are Matt and Jamie's girlfriends. We just went to some club nearby and that's about it."

"Wow, okay." Lauren whispered, whilst harshly blinking her eyes as she took all the information in, "God, I love vicariously living through you. So, were they nice or were they like 'mega-rockstar dickheads'?"

Olivia nodded with a small shrug, "Most of them were nice yeah. I mean Alex, the main singer.", Lauren rolled her eye at the clarification (of course she knew who he was, she didn't live under a rock), "he was a bit of a prick to start off with but I think I'm beginning to get him to warm up to me."

"Beginning to? Does that mean you're planning to see them again?" Lauren asked with furrowed brows. Olivia noticed her slip of words and knew she had to make up an excuse if she wanted her plan to succeed.

She quickly shook her head, "No, I'm not planning on it but I'm sure I'll see them around. Breana and Katie seem to really like me so who knows?"

Lauren nodded in understanding, after a moment of silence she asked, "You know what this means, don't you?"

Olivia shook her head with confused, furrowed brows, "No?"

"I'm only one person away from knowing the Arctic Monkeys! How insane is that."

Olivia laughed, with a hopeful smile, she pointed out, "Well you could meet them, if you ever came out with me."

Lauren grimaced, "Eurgh, no. I don't know how you go out most nights, I much prefer staying in with a book or something."

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